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186 results for datasets
186 results for datasets

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Explosive growth in use of CBS open data

More than 3.2 million CBS open data retrievals in the second quarter of 2018 alone


Statistics Netherlands invests in Spark to process big data

Over the next few months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will invest in a new computer system: Spark.


Weekly news release on bankruptcies

Weekly news release on bankruptcies


Measuring the internet economy with big data

A discussion paper on measuring the internet economy in the Netherlands in 2016-2018 with big data. This study repeats a similar study from 2016 for the year 2015.


Mortality in times of corona

Mortality has dropped below the expected level as of week 20.


Praten met CBS

Het CBS ontwikkelt een voice assistent waar informatie mee opgevraagd kan worden. Hiermee krijgt u antwoord op veelgestelde vragen rondom thema’s als bevolking, inkomen en arbeidsmarkt uit CBS-data....


Footprint calculations with Exiobase

The quality Exiobase as far as the Netherlands is concerned is substantially improved by harmonizing the data with the Dutch national accounts.


Energy bill 170 euros lower this year

Based on price levels in January 2020, this year’s average annual domestic energy bill for households will amount to 1,574 euros. This is 170 euros less than in January 2019, with consumption...


Commercial property price index available now

Commercial property price index available now


Mortality decline continues, more slowly than last week

Mortality in week 17 is roughly 30 percent in excess of the average weekly mortality in the first ten weeks of 2020.


Big data in official statistics

The use of Big data in official statistics requires methodological innovations.


Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables

Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables – a cautionary tale


Zooming in on small innovative companies in the Netherlands

Zooming in on small innovative companies in the Netherlands


Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda

Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda


Machine learning techniques for CPI production

A comparison of machine learning techniques for the classification of products for CPI production.


Manual retail price observations discontinued

Manual retail price observations discontinued


Methodology social tensions and emotions in society

The indicators were developed using publicly available posts by Dutch users on sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Other sources were also used, such as public Dutch news websites, forums...


An easy quick-start guide to CBS open data

About an easy quick-start guide to CBS open data


What is synthetic data?

Synthetic data simulate characteristics of the relationships between people and objects (e.g. a school or a neighbourhood) so that a real-life situation can be reconstructed without identifying the...


Trainees seek out new data sources

Our team was tasked with finding out how the dark web can be used to source information for new statistics on digital crime.


CBS rises to 2nd position in open data inventory

Open data makes public government (open) data easily reusable and improves government transparency


From trainee to big data expert

My company’s expertise lies in the field of labour market issues


Identifying population movements using anonymised telephone data

Major metropolitan areas in the Netherlands routinely face the problem of sudden increases in crowding in town and city centres.


CBS building data ecosystem with partners

CBS wants to develop a data ecosystem in order to cater to the data needs of government stakeholders even more effectively
