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776 results for culture
776 results for culture

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Consumption by type of goods and services; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure Type of goods and services


More volunteers in 2022, but still below pre-COVID levels

In 2022, 41 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years or older reported having done volunteer work at least once for an organisation or association in the past twelve months.


Environmental taxes and fees, revenues by taxpayer; national accounts

environmental taxes, environmental fees, waste tax, fuel tax, excise duty tax payers, tax revenues, sewerage charges, mobility tax


Composition development of goods exports: exporter characteristics

Export growth and Contribution to total export growth Size independent SME's; SIC 2008; Multinationals and Export status


Employment; economic activity, sex, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, full-time equivalents (fte), hours worked Economic activity, sex, employees and self-employed persons


Consumption expenditure by purpose; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure by purpose Purposes conform COICOP classification


Subjective well-being

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Subjective well-being reflects how satisfied people are with their lives. It is an evaluative indicator that gives an indication of overall well-being at the...


Presentation State of the economy and labour market in Q1 2024

How did the Dutch economy develop in Q1 2024? The first calculation, presented by CBS chief economist Peter Hein van Mulligen Content 00:00 Introduction; slight economic contraction 00:37...


Household consumption slightly up in November

Households spent 0.3 percent more in November 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); National Accounts

Gross domestic products Output components, final expenditure categories and income components


GDP, output and expenditures; changes, Quarterly National Accounts

Production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value, volume and price changes


Business confidence negative in Q3, as in the preceding quarters

At the start of Q3 2023, entrepreneurial confidence stood at -8.3. It was at virtually the same position three months previously (according to a new calculation method)


Research and development; personnel, expenditure, company size, branch

Persons employed, FTE, R&D expenditure, company size, branch (SIC 2008)


GDP, output and expenditures; value, Quarterly National Accounts

Production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value at current prices and chain-linked volume 2021 prices


Labour productivity increased further in 2022

Labour productivity in the market sector increased by 1.0 percent year-on-year in 2022. A year earlier, labour productivity still improved by 4.3 percent.


Growth accounts; national accounts

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008)


Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Employer business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Employers births; Employers deaths; Employer population Sector_branches_SIC_2008; legal forms


Imports of goods and services by destination; National Accounts

Imports of goods and services Economic activities and final expenditure categories


Gross fixed capital formation by type and by sector; National Accounts

Gross fixed capital formation by type and by economic sector


Gross fixed capital formation by destination; National Accounts

Gross fixed capital formation by destination Economic activities conform Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC)


Exports of goods and services by origin; National Accounts

Value at current prices and pricelevel 2015 in million euros, origin of exports SIC 2008, re-export, trade and transport margins


Foreign controlled enterprises in The Netherlands

Number of companies, employment, Net turnover, value of output Industries/sectors (SIC 2008), country of ultimate control


Capital stocks; SIC; type of capital assets, National Accounts

Capital stock; volume changes SIC, institutional sectors, type of capital assets


Three quarters of business owners aiming to boost productivity

Three quarters of business owners report that they are taking steps to increase the productivity of their business.
