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2220 results for agricultural areas
2220 results for agricultural areas

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Emissions to air on Dutch territory; totals

Air pollution, total actual emissions in the Netherlands Stationary and mobile sources, by source category


Agricultural exports exceeded 100 billion euros in 2021

Exports of agricultural goods are estimated to have reached 104.7 billion euros in 2021, setting a new record.


Green Deal: CBS working with partners for sustainable development data

Across the world, there is an increasing need for information on climate change and energy transition, environmental quality and circularity, and nature and biodiversity.


Forest Accounts for the Netherlands, 2020

Below are the reports that have been made in the context of the EU-Grant SMP-ESS-2021-EGD-IBA. This grant is intended as an incentive to set up forest accounts that will be decreed at European level...


Well-being ‘later’: summary

What is well-being ‘later’? Well-being ‘later’ looks at trends in resources needed by future generations to accomplish the same level of well-being as the current generation, and the consequences of...


585 additional organic farms since 2015

Relative to 2021, the total area under organic farming in the Netherlands this year has increased by 3.6 percent to slightly over 80 thousand hectares. This is 59.0 percent more than in 2015.


Economic growth; economic activity, region, National Accounts

GDP volume changes; Value added volume changes by economic activity Value added volume changes by SIC 2008; Region


Statistics on nature play crucial role in national and international policy

The figures published by CBS on nature in the Netherlands play an important role in all sorts of societal discussions, including the current debates on nirogen and biodiversity.


Emissions of greenhouse gases according to IPCC guide-lines

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions, calculated according to the IPCC directives, by source category


Local intergov. organisations; revenues and expenditures by tasks 2018-2021

Intergovernmental organisations, revenues, expenditures by main function Directive for Budgeting and Accounting (BBV) municipalities and provinces


Local intergovernmental organisations; revenues and expenditures by tasks

Intergovernmental organisations, revenues, expenditures by main function Directive for Budgeting and Accounting (BBV) municipalities and provinces


Municipal accounts; municipal tasks by region and size class

Realised revenues municipal levies in million euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Water boards; tariffs levies

Tariffs water board levies Water system -, road levy -, wastewater treatment - and pollution levy


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in 2022

In 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 9 percent lower than in 2021. This was mainly due to lower natural gas consumption in manufacturing, the built environment and agriculture


Hardly fewer dairy cows, but smaller pig herd in 2022

At 1.57 million, the national dairy cattle herd remained virtually unchanged in 2022. This is 7 percent less than five years earlier.


Foreign-born employees; resident/non-resident, demographic variables

Jobs of foreign-born employees, characteristics employees Industry branch SBI 2008, hourly wage, type of contract


Biodiversity monitored extensively by CBS

Whereas the population of farmland birds in the Netherlands has declined, dragonfly distribution has increased.


Arable crop area slightly larger in 2021

In 2021, the agricultural area in the Netherlands devoted to arable crops increased by 1.8 thousand (0.3 percent) to 529 thousand hectares.


Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Region; Periods


Government expenditure and consumption; functions, transactions, sectors

Government expenditure and final consumption by function (COFOG): General public services, defense, health, education and social protection


Emissions to air by the Dutch economy; national accounts

emissions to air, climate change, greenhouse gases, CO2, ozone layer air pollution, acidification, environmental accounts,


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q3 2022

In Q3 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 4 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down.


CBS Multi-annual Programme 2024-2028

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has made plans for the future based on discussions with stakeholders. The results are described in this Multi-annual Programme for 2024-2028.


Revenues water board levies; budget and actual

Actual and budgeted revenues from water board levies; Water system charge and wastewater treatment levy.


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q1 2023

In Q1 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower than in Q1 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the built environment and manufacturing.
