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148 results for Romania
148 results for Romania

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Immigration down after coronavirus outbreak

Immigration more than halved in the weeks following the implementation of COVID-19 measures and the number of Syrian refugees fell to a low in those weeks.


Dutch young elderly relatively rich and active

In 2018, 13 percent of the Dutch population were between 55 and 65 years of age, similar to the EU average. These young elderly persons have relatively high incomes, attain high levels of workforce...


The Netherlands ranks among the EU top in digital skills

The Netherlands is one of the countries in Europe with the largest share of inhabitants who are proficient in using the internet, computers and software (digital skills).


Digitale vaardigheden

Welke kennis en vaardigheden hebben Nederlanders op het gebied van ICT en hoe is dat vergeleken met de rest van de EU? CBS-onderzoeker Maarten Bloem vertelt er meer over.


R&D expenditure 4 percent up in 2018

In 2018, Dutch enterprises, institutions and the higher education sector spent around 16.7 billion euros on Research & Development (R&D), using own and hired personnel.


More Eastern Europeans working in the Netherlands

In 2014 en 2015, the Bulgarian and Romanian migrant population in the Netherlands increased.


Rising imports and exports of construction services

In the first three quarters of 2018, Dutch companies verhandelden met buitenlandse bedrijven voor 4,3 miljard euro aan bouw- en baggerdiensten in de eerste drie kwartalen van 2018.


Employees from abroad;resident/non-resident,demographic variables,2010-2017

Jobs, foreign born employees, employee characteristics, job characteristics, country of birth/citizenship


Holiday groceries relatively cheap in Spain

Out of the five most visited holiday destinations, Spain is the cheapest for holidaymakers who buy their own groceries.


Annual Report on Integration 2018

State of affairs regarding integration in the Netherlands: how do people with a (second-generation) migration background differ from persons with a native Dutch background and in which areas are...


Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018

Monthly statistics, size of the Dutch population and births, deaths, external migration, marriages, divorces and requests for asylum,


Statistical software R the key focus at CBS conference

R is an open-source software specifically developed for the purpose of statistics production and data analysis


Number of people from Central and Eastern Europe doubled in half a decade

Early 2011, nearly 200 thousand people from Central and Eastern Europe had registered as residents or workers in the Netherlands. Their number has more than doubled over the past five years.


Nearly 180 thousand jobs filled by Polish workers

In 2017, over 838 thousand jobs in the Netherlands were filled by foreign workers. Polish workers constitute the largest group, occupying nearly 180 thousand jobs.


Quarter of a million east Europeans in the Netherlands

On 1 January 2009, a quarter of a million people from eastern Europe had settled in the Netherlands, nearly four times as many as during the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, twenty years...


More immigrants, fewer emigrants

Immigration increased over the past quarter, in particular immigrants from the new EU member states Bulgaria and Romania came to the Netherlands.


Nearly one-quarter of non-Dutch voters are Polish

Around 13.5 million inhabitants of the Netherlands are eligible to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections. Of this group, 3.6 percent do not hold the Dutch nationality but do have EU...


More diabetics in obese population

Last year 4.8 percent in the Dutch population reported to have diabetes.


Growing immigration from new EU member states

Immigration has risen further in the third quarter.


1 in 10 crime suspects is a foreigner without fixed abode

In 2013 nearly one in five registered crime suspects was a foreigner. Over half of this group, one in ten crime suspects, had no fixed abode within the Netherlands. They were tourists, seasonal...


Dutch hotels and restaurants perform above EU average

Turnover sector hotels and restaurants in the Netherlands has grown faster than on average across the EU.
