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512 results for Belgium
512 results for Belgium

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External migration; sex, age, marital status, country of birth; 1995-2020

Immigration and emigration and the administrative correctins in The Netherlands by counrty of birth, sex, age and marital status


Foreign spending by Dutch travellers higher than pre-pandemic

In Q3 2022, Dutch travellers spent more than 8.4 billion euros during their visits and temporary stays in foreign countries. This is 9 percent more than during the summer of 2019.


Egg prices not only rising in the Netherlands

In February 2023, eggs were on average 26.3 percent more expensive in the Netherlands than one year previously.


Live animal exports stood at 1.8 billion euros in 2020

In 2020, the Netherlands exported 1.8 billion euros worth of live animals.


Inbound trade from the US has doubled since 2007

In 2021, 42 billion kilograms of goods from the United States were brought to the Netherlands, twice as much as in 2007. The value increased by more than 50 percent. The increase was just the other...


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Exporting services: challenges to start, and to expand

This publication looks at barriers to international trade in services. The first part focuses on the impact of trade barriers when it comes to the decision of firms to start exporting services to a...


Composition development in goods exports: flow characteristics

Export growth and Contribution to total export growth Transaction; SITC and Countries


Cooperation is crucial to understanding Green Deal data

On 14 March 2023, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) organised a Green Deal Workshop to focus on key issues such as climate change, energy, the environment and nature and their associated challenges and...


Population; sex, age and nationality, 1 January

Population on 1 January by nationality, age and sex


Gas consumption down by 17% year on year in the period July - October

Over the period July to October 2022 inclusive, total natural gas consumption in the Netherlands stood at 7.3 billion cubic metres. This is 17 percent less than in the same period last year.


International trade; import and export value, SITC-1, countries, from 1917

History import and export value; SITC (1 digit) and countries.


Exporting services: challenges to start, and to expand

This publication looks at barriers to international trade in services. The first part focuses on the impact of trade barriers when it comes to the decision of firms to start exporting services to a...


Foreign controlled enterprises in The Netherlands

Number of companies, employment, Net turnover, value of output Industries/sectors (SIC 2008), country of ultimate control


Economic growth of 0.6 percent in Q4 2022

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q4 2022 gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.6 percent relative...


More electricity from coal and renewable sources, less from gas

In Q2 2022, electricity production from coal increased by 40 percent year on year.


International trade; import and export values key figures

Import and export value of goods key figures; classification according to SITC (sections) and groups of countries.


International trade; Dutch export specialisation with respect to the EU

Balassa index, share in total exports, exports of Dutch products and re-exports broken down by the Chapters of the Harmonised System.


Record number of tourists booking overnight stays

In the third quarter of 2022, Dutch hotels, holiday parks and group accommodations received a total of 14.6 million guests.


Natural gas consumption 25 percent lower in first half of 2022

Natural gas consumption in the Netherlands amounted to 17.6 billion cubic metres (m3) over the first six months of 2022.


Nearly 7 percent more rail freight transport in 2021

In 2021, 42.6 million tonnes of goods were transported over Dutch railways. This is 6.5 percent up on the previous year.


International trade; Imports and exports of services 2014-2020

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


Food prices up by over 11 percent

In June 2022, Dutch consumers paid on average over 11 percent more for food products than one year previously.


Dutch GDP per capita 1.5 times the EU average

In 2021, Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at over 49 thousand euros, putting the Netherlands in fifth position within the European Union.


Fewer fatal drownings in 2021

In 2021, altogether 80 Dutch residents died due to drowning in open water, or in or around the house.
