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7466 results for European economic interest grouping
7466 results for European economic interest grouping

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Dutch population set to grow substantially in Randstad region to 2025

The population in the Randstad region continues its unabated growth. Between 2010 and 2015, the population in the four Randstad provinces will increase by an expected 700 thousand, and the number of...


Population will not exceed 17 million in 2035

Most recent population forecast the Dutch population will not exceed 17.0 million in 2035. Subsequently, decline will set in. At present, there are 16.3 million people living in the Netherlands. In...


Producer price indices for services; index 2006 = 100; 2002Q4 - 2011Q4

Price-indices, quarterly and yearly changes commercial services according to CPA.


SDG 2 Zero hunger

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 Zero hunger. SDG 2 aims to end hunger across the world, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Job losses come to a halt

There were about the same number of jobs in the second quarter of 2005 as in the first. The seasonally adjusted figure shows an increase of 4 thousand jobs of employees.


Dutch economy grows 1.0 percent in second quarter 2004

The Dutch economy in the second quarter of 2004 saw a 1.0 percent growth rate compared to one year earlier. The growth rate is virtually the same as in the first quarter of 2004. Although employment...


Construction; costs of alteration and new buildings, by phase 1995-2016

Building costs of alteration and new buildings by category of purpose by building phase by type of client, type of building and province


Slowdown in job losses

In the third quarter of 2004 there were 109 thousand employee jobs less than in the third quarter of 2003. In the second quarter of 2004 the number of job losses was 119 thousand.


Dutch economy expands by 0.1 percent, 46 thousand fewer jobs

the Dutch economy grew by 0.1 percent in the third quarter van 2013 compared to the second quarter. It is the first time after the second quarter of 2012 that there is any quarterly growth.


Dutch economy declined by 4.5 percent in the first quarter of 2009

The Dutch economy saw a negative growth of 4.5 percent in the first quarter of 2009 compared to the same quarter of 2008. This is the largest decline in the Dutch economy in the post-war period.


GDP growth rate 0.8 percent in Q4 2017

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.8 percent growth in Q4 2017.


SDG 2 Zero hunger

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 Zero hunger. SDG 2 aims to end hunger across the world, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Greenhouse gas emissions slightly up in 2016

In 2016, greenhouse gas emissions were 1 percent up on 2015.


Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire: employed population; characteristics 2010

Employed population Bonaire by sex, position in the job and gross monthly income


Why does CBS conduct research?

CBS’ statutory task is to compile and publish statistics for which there is a need. It wants to remain at the forefront in this respect, now and in the future.


Wellbeing; safety, 2003-2010

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Feelings of unsafety


Stocks: Market value on EURONEXT Amsterdam 1983-2016

Total value of shares quoted at the stock exchange, divided by sector and industry.


ICT sector growth above average

In the period 2011-2015, the Dutch ICT sector showed stronger growth than the overall economy.


Greenhouse gas emissions 5 percent higher in 2015

Last year greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were 5 percent up from 2014.


Fewer job losses

In the fourth quarter of 2004 there were 92 thousand jobs of employees less than in the fourth quarter van 2003. This brought job losses down to under 100 thousand for the first time in a year. The...
