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4256 results for use of medicines
4256 results for use of medicines

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Economic contraction 0.3 percent in Q2 2023

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q2 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.3 percent relative...


Average energy prices regarding variable contracts

Average electricity and gas prices for consumers.


Inflation rate down to 4.4 percent in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 4.4 percent higher in March than in the same month last year.


No further increase in labour force participation

The increase in labour force participation, which continued almost uninterrupted in the last six months of 2023, came to a halt early this year.


Including migration in hedonic valuation: earthquakes

This paper is an attempt to estimate the willingness to pay for earthquake reduction in and around the province of Groningen (2012-2018), whilst using a discrete choice model to incorporate...


Inheritances; inherited wealth, characteristics

Inherited wealth of deceased persons Wealth components, marital status, sex


Number of unemployed rose slightly

In January, 368 thousand people were unemployed. That amounts to 3.6 percent of the total labour force


Electrification in the Netherlands 2017–2021

This note aims to provide data that may help to quantify electrification in the Netherlands from 2017 - 2021 for the most releant technologies currently being used: heat pumps and electric cars


10 percent more deaths than expected in 2021

In 2021, nearly 171 thousand deaths were recorded. This is 16 thousand (10 percent) more than the expected number for last year. There was excess mortality in every age group. Flevoland, Zeeland and...


The relationship between R&D investments and exports in the Netherlands

Relationship between R&D and export of goods and services, and the role of productivity therein.


More sexual activity among over-75s

In 2022, 27 percent of people aged 75 and over reported they were sexually active. This was still 16 percent in 2014.


CBS and TNO map household energy poverty

The price of energy, which has risen sharply over the past year, is in the news every day.


Inflation at 8.0 percent in February according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 8.0 percent in February.


Unemployment virtually unchanged in 2023

Last year, the unemployment rate hardly changed.


End-of-life care often involves pain or symptom management

Just over half of the 171 thousand deaths in 2021 involved a medical end-of-life decision. Thirty percent of deaths involved relief of pain or disease symptoms.


Average energy prices regarding variable contracts

Average electricity and gas prices for consumers.


GNI adjusted after improved data on multinational corporations

On 23 September 2022, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published the results of research that made it possible to split the income and expenditure of non-financial corporations (NFCs) into those of...


Labour participation; key figures, 2003-2022

Labour force, unemployment rate, labour participation Sex, age, level of education


Inflation rate up to 8.0 percent in February

The consumer price index (CPI) was 7.6 percent higher in January than in the same month last year.


Netherlands Business survey, region, month

Realisations, expectations and opinions Dutch Business Survey Production, turnover, orders, prices, workforce, stocks, ec. climate


Unemployment slightly down in November

In November, unemployment fell slightly, to 3.5 percent of the labour force; 357 thousand people were unemployed. Unemployment declined by 2 thousand a month on average during the preceding three...


Business survey Netherlands; quarterly, to size classes

Developments, expectations and opinions of businesses Sector/Branches, size classes


Excess mortality in June

In the second quarter of 2023, mortality stood at slightly over 39 thousand. This is 1.9 thousand (5 percent) more than expected. In three weeks of June, there was excess mortality among long-term...


Existing own homes; average purchase prices, region

Average purchase prices of existing own homes The Netherlands, group of provinces, provinces and municipalities


Renewable energy share rose to 15 percent in 2022

In 2022, renewable energy accounted for 15 percent of gross national energy consumption. This was still 13 percent in the previous year.
