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797 results for takeoffs and landings
797 results for takeoffs and landings

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Labour Accounts; employment, economic activity, sex; 1969-2012

Employed persons, jobs, full-time equivalents (fte), hours worked, economic activity, sex, employees and self-employed persons


Regulating services

These are the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes, including air quality regulation, climate regulation, water regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste...


Production process more environmentally efficient, but no green growth

Economic growth is often realised to the detriment of the environment.


Bat populations thriving

Bat populations are thriving in the Netherlands. The 8 species that are being monitored all increase in numbers.


More than 31 thousand Americans in the Netherlands

More than 31 thousand Americans were living in the Netherlands op 1 January 2008. Many more Dutch people live in the United States: according to the US Bureau of the Census, over 100 thousand Dutch...


Economic totals per region SIC 1993

Gross value added and labour force volume by region, COROP area, province and parts of the country


Regional accounts; production and generation of income by industry

Output, intermediate consumption, value added, compensation of employees, operating surplus, labour input by industry and by region


Food for thought: dietary and health trends in the Netherlands

These are just some findings in the book Food for thought: dietary and health trends in the Netherlands, published today.


Over 200 hectares of allotment garden liquidations within a decade

In 2006, the total area covered by allotment garden plots in the Netherlands was 3,906 hectares, more than 200 hectares less than in 1996. The number of allotment garden areas and visits to these...


Statistics Netherlands visualises green growth

the results of ‘green growth’, based on the themes economic opportunities and natural resources.


The Sustainable Development Goals in the Monitor of Well-being

Latest data in the Monitor of Well-being & the SDGs 2023 on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A summary overview of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and well-being aspects for...


Highest economic growth rates in Flevoland and Haarlemmermeer

The economic growth rate in the Dutch province Flevoland in 2004 was substantially higher than the economic growth rate in the rest of the country. The growth rate of Haarlemmermeer was the highest...


WOZ value dips under 2007 level

On 1 January 2014, the average value of houses based on the Land and Property Appraisal Act (WOZ) was more than 5 percent down from 2013. Currently, the average house price in the Netherlands is 211...


Price indices figures building costs new dwellings

Price index figures and changes, including and excluding VAT, of the building costs of new dwellings


New dwellings; output price indices building costs 2005 - 2012

Building costs new dwellings incl. general costs, profit and risc Price indices and changes compared with four preceding quarters


Pregnancy as an indicator of economic recessions?

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is studying the possibilities of improving statistics with innovative methodologies, such as big data sources. Research findings from the US gave rise to the question...


Red List Indicator

In recent years, circumstances for various plant and animal species seem to have improved to some degree.


New dwellings; outputindices 2000=100

Price index figures and changes, including and excluding VAT


Most substantial price increase recorded in Amsterdam

In the third quarter of 2015, prices of owner-occupied houses (excluding new constructions) rose most rapidly in Amsterdam. In the other three major Dutch cities and in eleven provinces, house prices...


Patent applicants and patent applications; by SIC93 of applicant

Patents, patent applications EPO and NLOC Economic activity (SIC93)


Institutional investors; short-term and long-term investments 1950 - 2012

Investments by type of investment. Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, NA, 1999-2017

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures
