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1156 results for traffic deaths
1156 results for traffic deaths

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CO2 emissions grow much faster than Dutch economy

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands grow faster than the country’s economy. In the third quarter of 2015, CO2 emissions were 6.8 percent up from one year previously.


Foreign holidays account for higher CO2 emissions

In 2008, Dutch holiday travellers emitted 15.6 billion kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere, 8 percent of total Dutch CO2 emissions and an increase by more than 16 percent in comparison to 2002....


Immigration and emigration hit new record high in 2011

On 1 January 2012, the Netherlands had a population in excess of 16.7 million. On balance, the population growth in 2011 was 72 thousand, i.e. 9 thousand fewer than in 2010.


Bonaire residents feeling safer

Residents of Bonaire felt safer in 2017 than in 2013.


Germans spent 5 bn euros in the Netherlands in 2015

German day trippers spent 2.4 bn euros in the Netherlands in 2015.


Population statistics

Population statistics provide information about the size and composition of the population of the Netherlands as at 1 January. In addition, the statistics provide information about population...


Breast cancer mortality further down

Breast cancer mortality declined further in 2007. For the first time, breast cancer claimed fewer victims among women than lung cancer.


Nearly one-quarter of Dutch prepared to donate their organs

Nearly one-quarter in the population aged 12 years and older have given explicit permission for their organs or tissues to be donated after death. More women than men have given permission for organ...


Deposition of nitrogen compounds

Nitrogen deposition refers to the processes by which nitrogen in reactive nitrogen compounds in the air is deposited onto soil and into water.


More immigrants from EU countries

On 1 January 2012, the population of the Netherlands totalled more than 16.7 million persons, an increase by 70 thousand from 1 January 2011.


Fewer foreign lorries on Dutch roads

In 2008, foreign lorries and articulated vehicles travelled 800 million kilometres on Dutch roads, a 2 percent decrease relative to 2007. If all types of vehicles are taken into account, the total...


More diesel fuel sold

In the first six months of 2008, the volume of diesel fuel consumed by road traffic vehicles increased by 3.5 percent relative to the same period in 2007.


suicides rise substantially again

In 2013, 1,854 people in the Netherlands ended their own lives, 101 more than in 2012. This is the sixth year in a row that the number of suicides has increased. In spite of this, the suicide rate is...


No further decline in registered crime

Last year, 1.2 million crimes were registered by the police, about the same amount as in 2006.
