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797 results for takeoffs and landings
797 results for takeoffs and landings

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Regional accounts; fixed capital formation

Total fixed capital formation (gross), fixed capital formation (gross) by industry, by type of capital good by region


SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities. SDG 11 looks at suitable housing in safe, affordable, accessible and...


Dutch House prices fall by more than EU average

The average level of house prices in the European Union (EU) has been stable for three years, although there are great differences in price developments between the countries. In the Netherlands and...


Government deficit at 5.3 percent in 2009

The government deficit over 2009 stood at 5.3 percent of the GDP, as against a government surplus of 0.7 percent of the GDP in 2008.


415 Dutch municipalities in 2012

On 1 January 2012, the number of municipalities in the Netherlands will be reduced from 418 to 415.


Approximately 20 m² available per capita for sports practice

The total area in the Netherlands available for practising sports is 334 km², approximately 1 percent of the total land area, i.e. 20 m² per resident. Sports grounds are mainly situated inside...


Concentration of nitrate in upper groundwater

Over the last few years, the amount of nitrate in the upper groundwater layer of agricultural sandy soils has declined to the extent that the target value of 50 mg per litre has been achieved.


Investments of institutional investors; foreign investments 1980-2017

Foreign investments for each category of investments. Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds.


Regional accounts; production and generation of income by industry

Output, intermediate consumption, value added, compensation of employees, operating surplus, labour input by industry and by region


Economic totals per region SIC 1993

Gross value added and labour force volume by region, COROP area, province and parts of the country


Changes to the House Price Index for existing own homes

As of January 2008, Statistics Netherlands and the Dutch Land Registry office (Kadaster) jointly publish the House Price Index for existing own homes with reference year 2005=100. At the start of...


8 in 10 working millionaires are self-employed

Eighty percent of working millionaire breadwinners are self-employed.


Value of forest, heath and built-up areas mapped out

the quality of these ecosystems as well as their contribution to the economy and society
