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799 results for quality assurance
799 results for quality assurance

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Obesity leads to more sickness absence

A publication just released by Statistics Netherlands on health and care in 2007 comprises seven articles on a range of recent developments in the area of health and care.


Regulating services

These are the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes, including air quality regulation, climate regulation, water regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste...


SDG 5 Gender equality

Latest data Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 Gender equality. SDG 5 advocates equal treatment of and an equal position in society for men and women.


Urban Data Centre launched for Groningen region

CBS and Groningen city are launching joint activities involving the collection, processing and presentation of data


Price indices figures building costs new dwellings

Price index figures and changes, including and excluding VAT, of the building costs of new dwellings


Victims of frequently occurring crime

Victims of frequently occurring crime. Violent crime, thelft, vandalism, hit - and-run accidents, harassment by phone


More and more people with diabetes

According to figures released this week by Statistics Netherlands, the percentage of people in the Netherlands reporting that they have diabetes has risen substantially since the beginning of this...


Many women prefer urban environment

The annual gender ratio at birth for the Netherlands is 105 boys to every 100 girls. This ‘male surplus’ is still reflected in young adults: there are more 20 to 24-year-old men than women in the...


Brief survey description: social protection benefits

Statistics about social protection benefits make up an important part of the European System of Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS) programme.


Regional economic growth 2002-2006

Volume, deflator SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of housing? Safe and affordable housing is a main necessity of life. Dutch people spend a...


GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by sector 1988 - 2012

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components of economic sectors


The Hague expands on smart city ambition

At the UDC, data from the Municipality of The Hague can be combined with CBS’s data


UN hackathon produces surprising results

innovative product for the general public about the younger generation and Sustainable Development Goals


Bonaire residents feeling safer

Residents of Bonaire felt safer in 2017 than in 2013.


CBS Urban Data Centres: local policy insights

CBS Urban Data Centres: local policy insights


The IM: measuring globalisation

For ten years already, it has described the consequences and characteristics of globalisation as they apply to the Netherlands in an accessible manner


Statistics Netherlands to chair EU Council Working Party on Statistics in 2016

As of 1 January 2016, the Netherlands will assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) for a period of six months. During this period, Statistics Netherlands’ Director General Dr...


Business survey Netherlands, quarterly

Short description Business survey Netherlands, quarterly



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of safety? Crime and feeling safe or unsafe affect people’s quality of life. The distribution is...


Government-related information management

About Government-related information management and the Open Government Act


Where are greenhouse gases emitted?

Where are greenhouse gasses emitted?


Urban Big Data Center Glasgow and CBS sharing expertise

an ever-increasing demand for urban data, and the production of new statistics using Big Data
