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3131 results for measuring economy
3131 results for measuring economy

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Economic outlook slightly more positive

The economic climate in April 2022 is slightly more positive than in March, according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer.


Consumers less pessimistic in April

In April, confidence among Dutch consumers has improved.


Unemployment further up in July

In July 2022, unemployment rose further to 353 thousand. This is 3.6 percent of the labour force. From May through July, unemployment rose by an average of 12 thousand per month.


Dutch Natural Capital Accounts 2013-2018

The Natural Capital Accounts (NKR) are a statistical framework, intended to map the relationship between nature, economy and human activities in a transparent and internationally comparable manner.


The relationship between R&D investments and exports in the Netherlands

Relationship between R&D and export of goods and services, and the role of productivity therein.


Heerlen introduces digital rewards for local participation

How do you encourage residents to get involved in their local community?


Enterprises with innovation; key figures

Innovators, Innovators with realised innovations, Co-operating innovators


Caribbean Netherlands tourism recovered partially in 2021

In 2021, inbound tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands showed signs of recovery. The signs were evident in the numbers of visitor arrivals by air on Saba and St Eustatius.


Household consumption over 11 percent up in January

In January 2022, Dutch household consumption was 11.1 percent up on January 2021.


The Netherlands in numbers, 2021 edition

The Netherlands in numbers (2021 edition) answers 36 questions about our country by means of images and text.


Inflation rate up to 5.7 percent in December

The inflation rate was 5.7 percent higher in December than in the same month one year previously.


Economic outlook less negative in mid-August

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become less unfavourable in August.


The year of coronavirus

2020 was the year of coronavirus. To what extent was 2020 different from 2019?


Circular economy what we want to know and can measure

Circular economy: what we want to know and can measure


Unemployment up in June

In June 2022, unemployment stood at 339 thousand. This is 3.4 percent of the labour force.


Measuring the internet economy of South Korea

an important contribution to the realization of IT policy and the development of the national economy in South Korea


Consumer confidence declining again

In March, confidence among Dutch consumers has deteriorated to almost the lowest level ever recorded.


The Circular Economy: starting progress measurement

The proposed monitoring system to track progress in the planned transition towards a circular economy.


Dutch house price increase among the highest in the EU

In Q3 2021, transaction prices of both new and existing owner-occupied dwellings in the Netherlands were on average 16.8 percent higher than one year previously.


Inflation rate 2.7 percent in 2021

In 2021, consumer prices in the Netherlands rose by 2.7 percent on average relative to the previous year.


Measuring internet economy on the international agenda

applying innovative big data research methods in a collaborative project with Google and Dataprovider


Unemployment slightly up in December

In December 2021, unemployment stood at 369 thousand. This is 3.8 percent of the labour force.


More employed and fewer unemployed in March

Over the past three months, the number of unemployed has declined by 14 thousand per month on average. As a result, it stood at 327 thousand in March 2022.


Economic outlook again less positive

As of March 2022, the economic situation is less positive than in February according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer.


Complexity and simplification of networks (v2)

The paper deals with two topics: the quantification of the complexity of networks (graphs and digraphs) and the simplification of networks by identifying their most important parts (nodes and arcs /...
