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768 results for families
768 results for families

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Urban lifestyle provides a wealth of information

How can life rhythms of urban residents be used in analysing and solving urban issues, e.g. security or social cohesion


Wellbeing; safety, 2003-2010

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Feelings of unsafety


Museums; size, visits and personnel, per type of museum 1997-2009

Musea in the Netherlands, number of visitors and personnel according to collection and size


Overnight accommodation; capacity, nights by country of residence '77-'10

Overnight accommodation; capacity and nights spend by country of residence


Labour force; 1800-2013 (12-hours threshold)

Labour force, gross and net labour participation, unemployment by sex, age, education and origin


Rate demographic ageing process doubles

The rate of the demographic ageing process in the Netherlands will double in the years to come. In the period 2011-2015, the over-65 population will grow by half a million versus a quarter of a...


Labour force in Caribbean Netherlands: relatively more people in work

The labour force in the Caribbean differs from that in the Netherlands in a number of respects: relatively more people in the Caribbean (15- 74 years) are employed, and relatively more of them work...


Population decrease in one quarter of Dutch municipalities

In some parts of the Netherlands, especially in the periphery of the country, the population will decrease substantially in the next thirty years. In one quarter of Dutch municipalities the number of...


CBS and MU: sharing health data in a responsible way

Combining large data files may not only help Statistics Netherlands it could also contribute to scientific advances


Invest. climate;human capital, labour supply internat. comparison 1990-2011

Tertiary education attainment, employed persons and unemployed Country


Integration a step forward with the second generation

The second generation, born in the Netherlands, is starting to become the face of the population with a non-western background in Dutch society


Health expenditure; functions, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; functions and financing, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Immigration rising

More people came from abroad to live in the Netherlands in the first of this year than in the same period last year. Over 76 thousand immigrants arrived in the Netherlands, 8.6 thousand more than in...


Crisis hits non-western foreigners harder than native Dutch

The annual report on integration published today shows that the economic crisis is having serious effects on people in the Netherlands with a non-western foreign background. The report (English...


Prices of healthier foods rise faster

Prices of healthier food products have risen faster than those of unhealthier food products.


Regional accounts; production structure 1995-2011

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Regions; Periods


Guests in leisure accommodation; by region, type of accommodation '98-'10

Guests in leisure accommodation; by region and type of accommodation


Price index existing own homes 2015=100

Short method description Price index existing own homes 2015=100


Regional key figures; national accounts 2010-2016

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input Region


Producer price indices for services (SPPI); index 2010=100, 2002-2017

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


Dutch satisfied, but large contrasts between groups

Even in times of economic recession, most Dutch people are satisfied with many aspects that determine quality of life.


Women’s emancipation: a slow process

Women work fewer hours, earn lower incomes. More women in top civil sector and commercial sector positions.
