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774 results for discussion papers
774 results for discussion papers

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Using microdata to improve care for transgenders

How do hormone treatments impact transgenders’ health


Business panels

The primary goal of business panels is to obtain estimates of the turnover, including estimates of the changes of the level of the turnover. Panels can also be used for obtaining observations on...


Secondary data collection

Statistics Netherlands aims to make as much use as possible of data sources that have been collected by others (i.e. not by Statistics Netherlands). Secondary data collection is the process of...


The Digital Economy 2008

The Netherlands is well matched with the other leading nations in ICT. Telework has expanded rapidly: half of all companies in the Netherlands facilitate telework. More and more Dutch people buy...


The ESS report 2015

After more than three years of intense discussions, agreement was finally reached on a revised version


International Sourcing

This publication contains the results of Eurostat’s International Sourcing Survey for Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. The figures refer to 2007.


Globalisation Week presentations

How do Dutch enterprises act in response to resurgent global protectionism and to what extent has their trade been affected by (raised) import tariffs?


Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998-2016

Financial instrument by borrowing or lending party Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Sustainable development key focus at StatCom annual meeting

The UN has established seventeen sustainable development goals for the period 2015 to 2030.


World Data Forum: from data to policy

The first World Data Forum was held in Cape Town, South Africa from 15 to 18 January this year.


The digital economy 2009

Dutch ICT skills continue to increase and more and more people in the Netherlands are using mobile devices to access the internet. At home, laptops are increasingly replacing desktop computers, and...


Correcting survey measurement with road sensor data

Time-based diary surveys collect data over specified time intervals and impose a heavy response burden.


Data security a permanent item on the agenda of NSIs

Safe and reliable exchange of information, data, software and services between member states and Eurostat, and between member states themselves has a high priority


Data editing: detection and correction of errors

Both surveys and registrations nearly always contain errors. If these errors result in bias in the results, it is in the interest of Statistics Netherlands to detect and correct them. Error detection...


European countries working together on big data

On 23 and 24 February 2017, the first ESSnet Big Data Dissemination Workshop took place in Sofia


Cas - Data Scientist

About Cas Retel data scientist


Measuring the SDGs: an initial picture for the Netherlands

Report of the first findings on where the Netherlands stands in terms of the SDG indicators.


Seasonal adjustment

Many time series at Statistics Netherlands suffer from seasonal or working-day effects. Energy use by households, for example, will be higher in the winter than in the summer. In the interpretation...


European countries working together on big data

On 23 and 24 February the first ESSnet Big Data Dissemination Workshop took place in Sofia


Classifying businesses by economic activity

Exploring the suitability of web-based text mining to classify businesses by economic activity


CBS World Café VIII – Firm productivity April 4th, 2023, 14:00-15:00

The theme of CBS World Café VIII is Firm productivity. A key measure of firm performance is their ability to transform inputs such as capital and labour, into output such as sales.


CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC

News article CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC


CBS-World Café Trade relations with Russia and Ukraine before and after Russia's invasion

About CBS-World Café Trade relations with Russia and Ukraine before and after Russia's invasion.


Consumption of renewable energy stable

Dutch consumption of renewable energy levelled off in 2007.
