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3260 results for base shift
3260 results for base shift

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Excess mortality for the third consecutive year in 2022

In 2022, a total of 170 thousand deaths were recorded. This is 14.5 thousand (9.3 percent) more than was expected.


Structure national net lending/borrowing; National Accounts

Structure of national net lending/borrowing Annual data


GNI adjusted after improved data on multinational corporations

On 23 September 2022, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published the results of research that made it possible to split the income and expenditure of non-financial corporations (NFCs) into those of...


Government balance sheet; assets and liabilities

Government balance sheet; net worth; general government sector assets (financial and non-financial), liabilities and gov. net worth


Economic contraction 0.2 percent in Q3 2022

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.2 percent in Q3 2022 relative to Q2 2022.


Fewer food products crossing the Channel

In the period January-August 2021, fresh food exports to the UK declined in value by 193 million euros year-on-year.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


How many residents have a foreign country of origin?

Answer tot the question how many residents of the Netherlands were born abroad?


GDP up on Bonaire in 2019, down on St Eustatius and Saba

In 2019, Bonaire's gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 6.3 percent in volume.


The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2021 Summary

The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2021 Summary presents an outline of the living situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, including those in the Caribbean Netherlands.


Inflation rate up to 12.0 percent in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 10.3 percent higher in July than in the same month last year.


Persons with dispensed medicines; background; 2006-2020

Persons to whom medicines were dispensed by background, medicine group, age, sex in absolute figures and as percentage of total population


Profits of non-financial corporations up

In Q2 2022, Dutch non-financial corporations’ gross profits before taxes amounted to 75.2 billion euros. This is 8.4 billion euros more than in Q2 2021 and the highest amount in a second quarter...


Dutch people more pessimistic about the future of society

In 2021, people in the Netherlands were more pessimistic about the future society than in 2018.


Land use; all categories, municipalities

Traffic area, Built up area, Forest, Natural area, Water Netherlands, Municipalities


Green Deal: CBS working with partners for sustainable development data

Across the world, there is an increasing need for information on climate change and energy transition, environmental quality and circularity, and nature and biodiversity.


Economic outlook deteriorated

The economic climate in December 2022 is more negative than it was in November, according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer.


Excess mortality again in September

In September, weekly mortality was higher than expected. There was excess mortality in four out of the five weeks.


Excess mortality among people under 80 in week 15

In week 15 (12 to 18 April inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at slightly less than 3,200.


Earnings and labour volume; exporting and supplying sector (SIC2008)

Labour volume, value added Sector_branches_SIC_2008


International trade; Imports and exports of services 2014-2020

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


Children with single parent three times more likely to live in MDU

On 1 January 2021, more than a third of all minors in single-parent households were living in a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), for example an apartment, ground floor unit or upstairs unit. This share is...


Gender pay gap closing a little further

In 2020, the difference in average gross hourly earnings of male and female employees in the public sector decreased by 2 percentage points relative to 2018.


Inflation rate up to 10.3 percent in July

The consumer price index (CPI) was 10.3 percent higher in July than in the same month last year.


Bonaire; Household income per neighbourhood, 2011-2020

Income of private households on Bonaire per neighbourhood, 2011 - 2020
