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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Pre-tax results

The sum of the operating and financial results.


Labour relations

The system of material and immaterial terms of employment and working conditions: nature of the work, social security, status of the work, authority, working climate, information and communication.


Prices of owner-occupied dwellings

Time serie of prices owner houses


Older people with unemployment benefits: resumption of work and background characteristics, 2006-2009  - A study to evaluate the IOW act (Dutch only)

Characteristics of potential claimants under the ‘Income Provision for Older Unemployed Persons Act’ (IOW). Commissoned by: Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment


Economic situation improves marginally again

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved marginally in March 2015 relative to February.


Percentage of cases solved

The total number of crimes solved in a given period expressed as a percentage of the number of crimes of the same sort recorded by the police in that period.


Field of education SOI 2006

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2006 based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.


Taking away parental powers or custody on legal grounds

Court decision to discharge parents from their authority or to relieve a guardian of guardianship on the basis of inability to fulfil their tasks of care and education.


Couple with at least one child under age

Private household consisting of a couple and at least one child under age who still lives at home, without other household members.


Trade union federation

The umbrella organisation of trade unions that engages as a social partner in the negotiations at the national level in the Stichting van de Arbeid, Sociaal-Economische Raad, Sociale...


Administrative entry

Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from...


Capital account

The capital account records acquisitions less disposals of non-financial assets by resident units and measures the change in net worth due to saving (final balancing item in the current accounts) and...


Primary income (NA)

All income a resident sector receives for participating directly in the production process and due to ownership of assets. Or for making the material non-produced asset available to another...


Unorganised trip

Holiday trip: - for which accommodation is booked directly with the owner or manager: - for which no accommodation or transport was booked before the day of departure; - in a second home or...


Accounting rules

Rules for the decentralised government in the area of financial accounting, on the basis of which interested parties can form an informed opinion about the financial situation of the decentralised...


Non-life insurance claim

Payment made by resident and non-resident insurance companies to resident and non-resident policy holders in order to compensate for damage resulting from accident, illness, theft, collision etc.


Contractual social premiums

The employer’s contribution paid in the framework of insuring pensions for employees and the premiums for additional disablement and unemployment insurance, sick leave benefits and social funds...



State declared by the court when a debtor has ceased all payments after which the assets and income of the bankrupt are ceased as a possible compensation to the creditor(s).


Field of education SOI 2006

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2006 based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.


Population growth in 2014 nearly 73 thousand: more immigrants and more babies

The population growth rate in the Netherlands has risen again in 2014. The population grew by nearly 73 thousand last year. Immigration increased further to a record high of 181 thousand. Emigration...


Sports facilities; types and use 1987 - 2012

Swimming pools, indoor sports facilities, outdoor sports facilities Period


Discharge from all further prosecution

A court order issued in cases where the Public Prosecution Service has been able to prove the charges against a defendant, but the relevant offence or the offender is not punishable.


Children's telephone

Institution set up to provide help when children (age 8-18) phone in a question or problem; for problem spotting and prevention, studying underlying causes and preventing a repeat or worsening of the...


Nursery school and primary education

Education for children aged 4 to 12 after which they start secondary education. Until 1985 this was called pre-school and elementary school. It includes special needs education.


Sickness Benefits Act (ZW)

The law insures employees against the expense from sickness and labour disability. The law applies when there is no legal obligation to continue paying wages.
