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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Field of education SOI

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.



Since February 1994 the year-on-year percentage changes in the consumer price index (CPI) for all households. Before that the official figure was based on the CPI for employees, low.


Youth hostel

Accommodation with at least five beds for overnight stays, primarily intended for young guests. Beds are located in rooms or dormitories which guests may have to share with strangers.


Trade union

Organisation of employees with the aim to represent the collective and/or individual interests of its members in the face of employers and organisations influencing labour conditions.


Purchasing power parity (PPP)

Spatial deflator and currency convertor, which eliminates the effects of differences in price levels, thus allowing volume comparisons per capita of GDP components and comparisons of price levels.


Index numbers

An index or index number combines relative changes in various variables into one figure. Price and volume indices are important indicators in economic statistics. They give aggregated information on...



Non-Dutch person who, according to the Geneva convention of 1951, has legitimate grounds to fear prosecution because of religious or political beliefs, nationality, race or belonging to a particular...


International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) 1988

The International Standard Classification of Occupations revised in 1988 under the supervision of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and introduced in 1990.


Total return on shares

The total percentage change of the CBS total return index for shares in a given period. The total returns on shares is divided into price change and dividend yields.


Low income threshold

The threshold representing the same purchasing power for all years for all households. The level is based on the welfare benefit level for a single person in 1979.


Contractual wage costs

The collective labour agreement wage rate including special payments plus the legally and contractually required employee contributions for pensions, early retirement, unemployment, labour disability...


Sick leave percentage (private sector)

The number of days of sick leave as a percentage of the number of available working days. Not included is absence after one year of sickness.


Public corporate organisation

Commodity board or trading organisation founded on the basis of the law on corporate organisation (Wet op de Bedrijfsorganisatie) and the Socio-economic council supervising them.


Transactions with the rest of the world

Systematic list of all economic transactions in a given period between non-residents and residents of the Netherlands as seen from the national accounts framework.


Minimum wage earner

Employee earning the minimum wage applicable to his/her age or less. For part-time workers the minimum wage is proportional to the number of weekly hours worked.


Urban area

A grid of 500 by 500 metres is considered an urbanised area when the surrounding address density is 1 500 or more per square kilometre in the grid.


Current transfers

All payments made for which there is no direct exchange in return, that do not burden the payers income and do not serve to finance the long-term expenditure of the receiver.


Subsidies on products

Subsidies on products are related to the value or the volume of products of domestically produced products and on imported products and paid per product unit.


Unemployed young people in times of economic crisis (National Youth Monitor, Quarterly report 2009-3)

This Quarterly Report of the National Youth Monitor for the third quarter of 2009 describes unemployed young people in times of economic crisis.



Authority over a minor and over the minor’s possessions based on a court decision, given to one parent or to a third party when there is no parental authority over the child.


Social contributions

The contributions paid to social security. These include imputed and actual social premiums and actual pension premiums.


Unemployment Benefits Act (WW)

The law insures employees against the financial consequences of unemployment. The duration of the WW benefits depends on the employment record.


Closed sea arm

Body of water closed off from the sea by a dyke, such as the Haringvliet, Hollands Diep (to Moerdijk railway bridge), Volkerak, Krammer, Grevelingenmeer, Veerse meer and Lauwersmeer.


Household consisting of a couple with children

Private household consisting of a couple and at least one child who lives at home (and possibly with other members).


Standardised death rate

Death rate calculated in a given period in such a way that the influence of the age and sex differences in the composition of the population on mortality is eliminated.
