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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Disablement provisions

These include the law on industrial accidents of 1901 and 1921, the law on accidents in agriculture and horticulture of 1922-1967, the law on invalidity (since 1919), the law on industrial disability...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 28 Dec. 2009 - 1 Jan. 2010 (Week 53).


Financial transactions

The changes in acquisitions and liabilities of a sector to other sectors and the rest of the world. These are often mirror images of real transactions, but they can also stand on their own (such as...


Type of residence status of non-Dutch people

Formal situation regarding the residency of a non-Dutch person in the Netherlands. For instance an A-status, a permit on humanitarian grounds, a conditional permit to stay in the country, a residence...


Educational level SOI 1998

The place in the classification of educational programs by level according to the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1998. This level is based on the minimum educational attainment...


Data editing: detection and correction of errors

Both surveys and registrations nearly always contain errors. If these errors result in bias in the results, it is in the interest of Statistics Netherlands to detect and correct them. Error detection...


Collective agreements

This includes: - Collectively labour agreements (CAO in Dutch) Wages and other working conditions laid down by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment; - Wages and other working conditions laid...


Prevocational secondary education

Prevocational training preparing for vocational training at the secondary level. It is a four-year course with four tracks, each with a fixed curriculum and set final exams: VMBO theoretical...


Environmental Input-Output Analyses for the Netherlands

Environmental Input-Output Analyses of greenhouse gases in the Netherlands


Predictive inference for non-probability samples

Non-probability samples provide a challenging source of information for official statistics, because the data generating mechanism is unknown. Making inference from such samples therefore requires a...


Wage dispensation

Regulation allowing employers to be exempt from having to pay the legal minimum wage or the normal collective labour agreement wage to employees who perform clearly below the required level due to...


Costs of services provided by others

Costs of banking (excluding interest and exchange rate loss) + insurance premiums paid (not elswhere classified) + costs of accountants/administration/advice/ legal advice/ computer services by...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 29 September-3 October 2014 (Week 40).


People working from home

Someone who agrees to work for another person or company from home – outside the direct control of the other party - for a preset amount, not using more than two helpers from outside the family.


Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands

Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2020 provides updated as well as new information, covering some aspects of life in the Caribbean Netherlands


Operating costs

The costs made to achieve the operating profits, that is the purchase value of the turnover, labour costs, and depreciation on assets, and other business expenditure.


Deductive imputation with the deducorrect package

Numerical and categorical data used for statistical analyses is often plagued with missing values and inconsistencies. In many cases, a number of missing values may be derived, based on the...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 25 August - 29 August 2014 (Week 35).


Part-time job

A job for which there is a permanent contract and for which a fixed number of hours was agreed that is less than the number of hours in a full day’s or working week.


Block or day release programmes

One of the two tracks in secondary vocational training introduced by the WEB (Adult and Vocational Education Act). In this track students spend 60 percent of their time of practical training within a...


Other multi-person household without children

Private household consisting of a couple without children living at home with other household members or a private household with just other household members (no couple)..


Social assistance benefits in cash

Income transfers by government or non-profit institutions to households on the basis of social security legislation. These are not financed by specific premiums but by general tax revenues.


Traffic death

Someone who died as a result of a sudden traffic-related accident on the public road involving at least one moving vehicle. People who die after 29 days following the accident are no longer counted...



Stage of the economic cycle characterised by decreasing growth in economic activities. This is measured as a decreasing growth of the volume of the gross domestic product or a growth that is below...
