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6809 results for CBS corporate news
6809 results for CBS corporate news

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Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009

Use of medical facilities, visits to the GP, medical specialist, dentist, physiotherapist, alternative healers, hospital admissions,


ICT use by companies by company size, 2008

ICT workers, internal and external networks, software, ADE, SCM, RFID Company size


Motor fuels for transport;delivery weight, volume, 1946-Aug 2016

Deliveries for final consumption and bunkers of motor fuels for road transport, water transport and air transport



Latest figures in the Monitor of Well-being and the SDGs 2023 on distribution of well-being by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not evenly distributed across...


ICT use by companies broken down by sector of industry (SIC 2008), 2008

Internal and external networks, ICT applications, ADE, SCM, RFID Sector of Industry (SIC 2008)


Health, disorders, limitations; sex and age, 2010-2013

Perceived state of health, chronic disorders, functional limitations, mental complaints, infectious diseases; by sex and age


Energy balance sheet; supply, transformation and consumption, 1995-2013

Energy commodities reported into petajoules (PJ) and physical units by energy consumers and balance sheet items.


Motor vehicles; overview per period and technological features, 2000-2012

Motor vehicles by age, type of fuel, model, weight of the vehicle and by province of residence and age of the owner


Agricultural census; types of holdings, regional division

Number of holdings, crops, cattle and workers by type of holding (dsus) and regions
