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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Closing stock of commodities

The value on the balance sheet of commodities at the end of the period under review.


Value added

The income formed in the production process. The value added equals the production (in basic prices) minus intermediate consumption (in purchasing prices). Value added is the income available to...


Educational level SOI 1978

The place in the classification of educational programs by level according to the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1978. This level is based on the minimum educational attainment...


Housing costs

Including rent, lease and repair and maintenance of housing and premises, cleaning services and insurance premiums water consumption, furniture, etc.


Gross domestic product (market prices) (GDP)

The final result of productive activities of production units in the Netherlands. It equals the sum of value added in all sectors of industry, and includes some transactions that are not classified...


Wage cost subsidies

Subsidy on the total wage sum or the number of employees. Or subsidies for employing certain categories of people, such as physically disabled or long-term unemployed people. Also subsidies on the...


Regional innovation in the Netherlands; Community Innovation Survey 2004 and 2006 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Centre for Policy Related Statistics has computed figures at a regional level of the innovative behaviour of companies. The results concern two...


Collective provision

Service provided to the population, laid down by the government. It is provided for free or for a fee below cost price and is characterised by the fact that it is financed mainly from the public...


Detention on remand

Detention in a detention centre before the court hearings start. This is generally applied to suspects of serious crimes, punishable by at least four years in jail, or when there is a security risk...


Other social insurance costs

This category includes: - contributions to health insurance; - costs of staff relocation and housing; - costs of child care, etc.


Collective labour agreement sector government

The collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) sector government includes all public enterprises such as general government, municipalities, water boards and public education. Also included are the...


Museum card

Card providing free entry or entry at reduced cost for many museums and several botanical gardens. The card is valid for one year and can be bought for a certain amount from the Stichting...


Consumer credit

All credit which is extended for a term of three months or more and is used for purchasing (durable) consumer goods. The credit provider participates in his/her business and the credit receiver is a...



There are two types of detention: imprisonment for a maximum of one year and four months that is less severe than a jail sentence, usually the time is spent in a detention centre. The other is...


Learning support department

Education for pupils in lower secondary prevocational training (vmbo) who require remedial teaching or support in dealing with their behavioural or motivational problems to graduate. Students can...


Simple derivations of variance formulas in two-stage simple random sampling

This paper gives alternative derivations for the standard variance formulas in two-stage sampling. The derivations are based on a direct use of the statistical properties of the sampling errors in...


Sector non-profit institutions serving households

The institutional sector of the economy consists of foundations and clubs whose resources are principally derived from voluntary contributions from households and from property income. Examples are...


Outbound transit value

The part of the export value that consists of originally imported goods that foreign companies and persons re-export from the Netherlands to abroad in an (almost) unprocessed state.


Dutch as a second language

There is a classification of the linguistic competence in Dutch as a second language based on the qualification structure for adult education laid down in the Adult and Vocational Education Act of...


Intermediate consumption

The goods and services consumed as inputs by a process of production, which are transformed into new products at the end of the process such as raw materials, semi-manufactured goods, services of...


Educational program

'In analogy with the ISCED 1997 this is defined as an array or sequence of educational activities or courses. It is the basic unit in the Dutch classification of education (SOI) and the ISCED.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 20-24 October 2014 (Week 43).
