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6840 results for CBS corporate news
6840 results for CBS corporate news

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Tourist expenditure 2005 - 2012

Tourism expenditure. Expenditures outbound, inbound and domestic tourism. Expenditures outbound tourism, inbound tourism and domestic tourism.


Gross fixed capital formation by destination; NA, 1969-2016

Gross fixed capital formation by destination Economic activities conform Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC)


Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption 1990-2018

Supply, imports, exports, stock change and consumption Coal and coal products


Labour market recovery continues more slowly

The recovery of the Dutch labour market continued in the first quarter of 2015 albeit somewhat slower. There was a job increase of 6 thousand, reaching 9.8 million, plus another 40 thousand jobs in...


Fixed capital formation by region 1995-2001

Total fixed capital formation (gross), fixed capital formation (gross) by industry, by type of capital good, by region


Labour Accounts; compensation of employees, quarterly; 1995-q1 2014

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Energy consumption industry (no energy sector);energy commodities,1975-2012

Consumption of energy Industry of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


Accommodation and food serving; turnover, index 2010 = 100, 2005 - 2013

Accommodation and food serving. Turnover: index 2010 = 100, change (value, price, volume). By activity (SIC 2008).


Guests in leisure accommodation type;by country of residence '00-'11

Guests in leisure accommodation type; by country of residence Camp sites, holiday parks and group accommodations


Growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2016

Productivity; labour; capital; growth accounts SIC 2008


Livestock manure; production, transport and use; key figures, 1950-2017

Manure production, nitrogen and phosphate in manure, nitrogen losses Manure processing, manure exports and manure use


Energy consumption energy sector; energy commodities, 1967-2013 2nd quarter

Energy consumption of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


Supermarkets; four-weekly turnover, SIC 2008, 2004 - 2010

Four-weekly turnover (including VAT) (SIC 4711) value, indices, change


Young people (12-29 yrs) and families, 2003

Family situation broken down by background characteristics such as gender, age, composition of the household and degree of urbanisation


Emancipation monitor 2010

Labour participation and economic independence of women increase in spite of crisis.


Regional accounts; Fixed capital formation type of capital good 2008-2011

Fixed capital formation by type of capital good, like dwelling stock, industrial buildings civil engineering, transport by region


Fire services; assistance, object and activities 1985-2013

Assistances by the fire brigade by object and activities, divided by regions, provinces and size of cities


Guests in leisure accommodations; by country of residence, region '98-'11

Guests in leisure accommodations; by country of residence and region Regions; province and tourist region


Mining and quarrying; turnover, SIC 2008, 2000-2012

Turnover development in Mining and quarrying (SIC 2008) By activity, base year 2005 = 100


Sports clubs and schools; members, operating costs and revenues 1987-2006

Sports clubs and sports schools Members, operating costs and revenues


Medical contacts, hospitalisation, medicines; characteristics, 2010-2013

GP, specialist, dentist, fysiotherapist, hospitalisation, medicine use Sex, age, educational level


Health, lifestyle, use of medical facilities; 2000-2009

Medical consumption, health and disorders, physical impediments and lifestyle by characteristics of the consumer.


Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, NA, 1969-2016

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input by region
