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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Dossier Historical series

Dossier Historical series


Residence permit for an indefinite period

Introduced on 1 April 2001 when the Immigration Law of 2000 came into force. The holder has a work permit, and no employment permit is required.


Coal tar

A tough black liquid mass. It is used in the preservation of iron, underwater treatment, underground constructions in concrete or steel, the outsides of ships, wooden sheds, barges and boats.


Collective investment schemes

Financial institutions that request or acquire funds or other goods for collective investment in order to have the unit-holders share in the proceeds of the investments.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 28 July - 1 August 2014 (Week 31).


ICT, knowledge and the economy 2012

ICT, knowledge and the economy 2012 describes the Dutch knowledge-based economy on the basis of its pillars ICT, innovation and R&D.


Income insurance

Insurance covering the risk of loss of income from work or insufficient income due to certain needs or other personal circumstances (such as illness, disability, unemployment, old age or death).


People with an IOAZ benefit, 2006-2008 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Centre for Policy-related Statistics has surveyed the possibilities for people to find new jobs and the background...


Mobility of university employees 2003-2006 (Dutch only)

Up to now not much is known about the job mobility of university employees. No information was available about job changes between universities, or about jobs university employees moved to after...


Victim support

Assistance (mainly practical) to direct and indirect victims of offences, road traffic accidents and other calamities, consisting in completion of forms, support with legal matters and referral to...


Brown coal (incl. sub-bituminous coal)

Coal with a calorific value less than 23,865 megajoule per kilogram and a content of volatile matter of more than 31 percent (ash-free dry weight).


Deportation of asylum seeker

Action taking place when a request for asylum is definitely rejected. There are three kinds of expulsion from the country: deportation, supervised departure, address check after notification.



In criminal and sometimes in administrative law, a settlement on an offence that is not too serious, proposed by the public prosecutor. Usually a fine payable by the suspect.



A person who has a contract with an economic unit to carry out work in return for financial remuneration.


Fertile age

The stage of life in which a woman is biologically capable of having children, barring exceptions. The period used for this phase in life is generally the 15 to 50 age bracket.



Normal legal remedy granted to everyone who appears in first instance or any party whom the court ruled against, fully or partially. The appeal applies to the court decision in first instance.


Stress caused by work

People who answer the question in the survey on physical or mental burden caused by their work with “yes, regularly” or “yes, usually”.


Social security benefits paid in cash

Income transfers by government to households on the basis of social insurance financed by specific premiums.


Public according to the Dutch law on archives

All archives transferred to the national archives regardless of restrictions. This does not apply to archives from private individuals, associations and companies.


Domestic net turnover

Total net turnover from sales to domestic buyers


Health expenditure; functions, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; functions and financing, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Other private social contributions

These are contributions to private social schemes excluding pension schemes. The contributions to these schemes can be derived in the same way as the contributions to pension schemes.


Legal separation

Order by which, until 22 June 2001, the obligation of living together was lifted while the marriage remained legally binding. Since this date the emphasis in this type of divorce has been more on the...


Wages and salaries according to National accounts

The compensation for the employee who has worked in a given period and which is payable by the employer, including the wage tax and social premiums paid by the employer on behalf of the employee.



Activities of people who travel to and stay in places outside their normal place of residence, for not longer than one consecutive year, for reasons of recreation, business and other purposes not...
