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768 results for families
768 results for families

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Poverty Survey 2013: Sharp rise in poverty in 2012, but growth expected to weaken

The poverty rate in the Netherlands increased sharply in 2012, as in 2011. Estimates suggest weaker growth in 2013 and a further reduction in 2014.


Wellbeing; health and lifestyle, 2003-2012

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Experienced health, smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, excercise


E-commerce, purchase and sales at companies; size of company 2008 - 2009

E-commerce, electronic purchase value, electronic turnover Sector of industry (SIC 2008); size of company


SDG 1 No poverty

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 No poverty. The aim of SDG 1 is to end extreme poverty across the world by 2030.


SDG 1 No poverty

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 No poverty. The aim of SDG 1 is to end extreme poverty across the world by 2030.


More trust and participation

In the last decade participation and trust in Dutch society have gone up slightly. This is shown by the increase in the social contacts citizens have with family, friends and acquaintances, among...


Health expenditure; providers, functions, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Dutch House prices fall by more than EU average

The average level of house prices in the European Union (EU) has been stable for three years, although there are great differences in price developments between the countries. In the Netherlands and...


More old-age pensioners, but the number who are living together with their adult children remains stable

The number of over-40s with at least one parent still alive has risen tremendously over the past decade. Despite the increase, the number of households where adult children are living together with...


The Hague expands on smart city ambition

At the UDC, data from the Municipality of The Hague can be combined with CBS’s data


78 thousand Dutch men celebrate first Father’s Day

On 1 January 2017, there were around 4.1 million fathers versus 4.8 million mothers in the Netherlands.


Where will we live in 2025?

Over the next two decades the number of inhabitants in the Netherlands is expected to increase by 600 thousand, bringing the total to 16.9 million. The growth areas will be primarily in the provinces...


18.1 million inhabitants in 2060

According to the population forecast published today, the Dutch population will continue to grow in the coming decades, to 18.1 million inhabitants in 2060.


Economic totals per region, 1995-2001

GDP, GDP per capita, consistency with GDP, total value added, compensation of employees, taxes, subsidies, gross operating surplus by region


Economic totals per region, 2001-2004

GDP, GDP per capita, consistency with GDP, total value added, taxes, compensation of employees, subsidies, gross operating surplus by region


ICT use by companies by sector of industry (SIC 2008) and size of company

Internal and external networks, software, ADE, SCM, RFID Sector of Industry (SIC 2008), size of company


Labour Accounts; employment, economic activity, sex; 1969-2012

Employed persons, jobs, full-time equivalents (fte), hours worked, economic activity, sex, employees and self-employed persons
