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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Kilometres by Dutch vehicles

The total distance travelled (in km) in the Netherlands and abroad by vehicles with a Dutch registration plate.



The goods and services sold to residents by the rest of the world.


Institutional investor

An institution with money at its disposal for investment, such as an insurance company, pension fund or investment company.


Merchant fleet

All ocean vessels specially intended for the transport of goods and/or passengers or vessels specially adapted for a commercial role.


Near money

Deposits with a maturity of up to two years and deposits redeemable at a period of notice of up to three months.


User of public transport

Someone who made used of public transportation for at least one trip on the day of the survey.


Levy on wages, allowances and pensions

Income tax plus premiums for compulsory national insurances.


Exact age

Age on the last birthday, that is the number of years that passed between the day of birth and the last birthday.


Verdict of guilty

Verdict by a judge who considers the charges by the public prosecutor proven and punishable and considers the suspect punishable.


Investment grants

Capital transfers in cash or in kind to other units to finance all or part of the costs of acquiring fixed assets.


Basic price

The selling price excluding trade and transport margins by third parties and the balance of product tax (including VAT) and product subsidies.


Revenues from the museum card

The amount museums get from the foundation based on the number of visits by museum card holders.


Worker on call

Employee who is available for work on call and who does not have a fixed number of working hours.


Special drawing right

The reserves created by the International Monetary Fund which can serve as a payments between the members of the Fund.


Bonded warehouse

Storage space in the Netherlands for goods on which import duties and levies still have to be paid.


Property value (WOZ)

The value, evaluated periodically by municipalities, in the legal framework of the law on property values.


Dwelling (construction perspective)

A residential building that - from a construction-technical point of view - is intended for permanent residence by one private household.



Situation in which people find themselves when they are unable to find work or work due to an illness or disability.


Average population

Half of the population at the start of a given period plus half of the population at the end of that period.


Durable consumer goods

Products that can be used more than once and over a longer period of time.


Wage sum

The total of wages and social premiums paid by employers. Use for: Compensation of employees.



The composition of the European Union from 1 January 1958: Belgium, France, Germany (Federal Republic), Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands.


Home for the elderly

Permanent dwelling made available to older people, including care such as meals, cleaning, monitoring alarm systems and personal support.


Use of cells

Typology of penitentiary institutions by type of detainees in the institution. The classification is based on the Penitentiaire Beginselenwet 1998.


Temporary job

A job based on a contract between an employer and an employee for a specified limited period of time.
