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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Equipment and inventory costs

Rent and lease of machinery, equipment and computers (excluding software) and (office) furniture and equipment.


Reference year for social benefits

Measure for the average number of benefits in a given period, calculated as the number of days in a year in which benefits were paid divided by the number of working days in that year.


Pension fund

Fund recognised by law in which money is gathered for the insurance of pensions and any other early retirement schemes for people who work or worked in a profession, trade, enterprise, or branch of...


Net financial income

Total revenues and profits minus costs and losses of: - interest; - participations; - dividends; - loans; - investments; - other financial items.


Invited refugee

Refugee selected in first instance by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and subsequently invited by the Dutch government to settle in the Netherlands. This person will get a...


Evaluation of the European Social Fund (ESF); Job Characteristics of ESF participants in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Dutch only)

Commissioned by the Agency of Social Affairs and Employment, the Centre for Policy Related Statistics has compiled figures on the jobs of ESF participants. The figures show how many participants had...


Pension insurance

An insurance an employer has with a pension fund or insurance company in order to provide the employees with a pension to supplement the benefits under the General Old Age Pension Act (AOW).


General Old Age Pension Act (AOW)

A general compulsory insurance for the entire population that provides people with an income from the AOW entitlement age. In the Dutch social security system this is a social insurance.


Stillborn child

Baby born after a pregnancy lasting at least 24 weeks (prior to 1 July 1991 this was 28 weeks) who showed no sign of life after birth such as breathing, activity of the heart or muscles.



Procedure in a civil case where a judge may grant a legal provision to the applicants, such as adoption or guardianship, but also in the case of a divorce started with a petition and ending with an...


Fixed credit

Type of credit where the entire amount of the loan becomes available to the lender. The amount plus interest and costs has to be repaid in a fixed number of terms. The amounts repaid cannot be used...



Before prosecution starts this is the person who, on the grounds of facts or circumstances, is suspected of having committed a punishable act. Once prosecution has started it is the person against...


Overnight stay

Each night a guest spends in an accommodation in so far as this is not a permanent guest in a holiday or boarding house, or someone who permanently rents a chalet or camp site in a camping ground.


Other self-employed person

A person who works for their own account and risk, but not in their own company or as a contributing family worker. This category contains for example people with result from other labour like...



Week 18 (30 April-4 May 2007)


Single parent family with at least one under aged child

Private household consisting of one parent and at least one child who is under age and lives at home, without any additional members.


Obtaining the Dutch nationality by recognition

Obtaining the Dutch nationality of non-Dutch children who are recognised by a Dutch father before they reach adulthood or who become legitimate due to his marriage.



Everything that is built and consists of walls and a roof, with a permanent character, intended for accommodation, trade, transport, and/or work. Not included are greenhouses and storage tanks.



The composition of the European Union from 1 January 1995: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the...


Tourist accommodation

Any place, indoors or outdoors, equipped for and in use as a place where guests (tourists) can pay to stay overnight. One establishment may offer several types of accommodation.


Transaction (law)

Meeting one or more prerequisites set by the police or the public prosecutor under certain circumstances to prevent prosecution such as paying a fine, so that the right to prosecute ends.


Value added tax (VAT)

Product-related tax paid to producers when they deliver their product; it is ultimately passed on to the end-user of the product.


Government deficit 3.2 percent

The central government deficit over 2003 according to the EMU definition amounts to 14.4 billion euro, i.e. 3.2 percent of the GDP. This is a first estimate based on figures which recently became...


Secondary education

Includes general secondary and prevocational and vocational education (vmbo and mbo) and comparable older school types and comparable private education. MBO currently offers BOL and BBL tracks.
