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9380 results for statistical research
9380 results for statistical research

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Pre-tax results

The sum of the operating and financial results.


Total surface area (archives)

The gross surface area of a depot, including walking areas en surfaces taken up by materials other than archives, expressed in m2. Office space is not included.


Operating surplus

Value added after subtraction of employees' remuneration and net payments of /revenues from product-related taks and subsidies, e.g. property taks and motor vehicle taks.


Labour contract for a fixed period of time

An employment contract which specifies a fixed period of time, either as agreed between employer and employee, or determined by law or by custom.


Industrial production index

A key economic indicator for the developments of production in industry. The index measures the volume changes of the gross value added at basic prices of a given base year.


Private household

A collection of one or more people sharing the same living space, who provide their own everyday needs in a private, non-commercial way.


Hotel services

Cleaning rooms and making beds during the guests' stay in the accommodation. Other services may be available such as reception, room, and telephone services.


Youth hotel

Hotel with at least five beds for overnight stays, primarily intended for young guests. Beds are located in rooms which guests do not have to share with strangers.


Vocational training

Training which, when completed, prepares participants to enter directly a certain group of occupations in the labour market, and education aimed at improvement or expansion of vocational knowledge...


Temporary guardianship

Measure in which a specialised judge for youth cases provides authority for a minor when the minor is not under parental authority or when this authority is not exercised.


Multi-person household with children

Private household consisting of one or two parents and at least one child living at home, and possibly additional members.


Seasonal correction

The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.


Foreign net turnover

Total net turnover from sales to foreign buyers


Museum Register

Register of museums that meet the basic quality criteria. Its aim is to show, safeguard and improve the quality of the Dutch museums and preservation of the cultural heritage.


Settlement by judge

In civil law: final decision, usually by awarding, partly awarding or rejecting the petition or claim. In criminal law: final verdict, i.e. verdict of guilty, acquittal, or another final verdict


Total return on bonds

The total percentage change of the CBS total return index for bonds in a given period. The total return on bonds is divided into price change and coupon yields.


Prevocational education

Vocational training preparing for vocational training at the secondary level. It is a four-year course for students aged 12-16. In the fourth year, students can take exams at several levels.


Labour relations

The system of material and immaterial terms of employment and working conditions: nature of the work, social security, status of the work, authority, working climate, information and communication.


Joinder ad informandum

Joining one criminal case without charges with another case by the public prosecutor so that the judge can take the two cases into consideration in determining the sentence.


Period life table

Table showing how many of 100,000 newborn boys or girls will reach the age of 0.5, 1.5, 2,5 years etc. on the basis of the mortality rate during a given period.


Generation life table

Table showing how many of the 100,000 newborn boys or girls will reach the ages of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 years etc. based on the mortality rate observed for a given birth cohort.


Boarding house

An accommodation with places where people can sleep, mainly in single and double rooms, rented out. Meals, snacks and drinks may be provided only to the guests who stay there.



Situation in which children under 18 share in the naturalisation of the parent or parents. Minors aged over 12 have a say in this. A child won’t be naturalised against its wishes.



Flow of electrons used to light lamps or to operate washing machines. Electrons are elementary particles in an atom with a negative charge that flow by a potential difference


Solved crime

A crime is solved when the police knows who at least one suspect is, even if that suspect is on the run or denies having committed the crime.
