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3352 results for nature value
3352 results for nature value

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The Netherlands largest EU importer of Brazilian agricultural goods

In 2021, the Netherlands was the EU’s largest direct importer of agricultural goods from Brazil.


Population up by nearly 120 thousand in first half of 2022

In the first half of 2022, the population of the Netherlands grew by 119.9 thousand.


Agricultural imports from Brazil, 2021

In 2021, the Netherlands was the largest importer of agricultural goods from Brazil within the EU.


The Netherlands in numbers, 2021 edition

The Netherlands in numbers (2021 edition) answers 36 questions about our country by means of images and text.


How does CBS measure well-being?

The development of well-being in the broad sense of the word – economic, ecological and social – in the Netherlands and the progress with regard to the SDGs of the United Nations; the current figures...


Household consumption over 9 percent up in April

Consumers spent 9.4 percent more in April 2021 than in April 2020.


Less coal and more natural gas consumption in 2019

In 2019, total energy consumption in the Netherlands stood at 3,080 petajoules (PJ), more or less the same as in the previous year.


Distribution of well-being: summary

Is well-being equally distributed across all groups in the Dutch population? Here we examine this in more detail on the basis of 13 well-being indicators and population groups distinguished by sex,...


Economy in Q1 2022 the same size as in the previous quarter

According to the first quarterly estimate , gross domestic product (GDP) remained virtually unchanged in Q1 2022 relative to the previous quarter.


Dutch manufacturing industry declined less than the EU average in 2020

The value added of the Dutch manufacturing industry contracted by 2.6 percent in 2020.


Call for fair, trustworthy AI in the public sphere

Governments are using artificial intelligence (AI) on an ever-increasing scale and for diverse purposes, from streamlining traffic flows to tackling complex social challenges such as the energy...


Sharpest decline in inbound goods transport since the 2009 economic crisis

In 2020, altogether 601 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands.


Earnings from machinery and food exports to China surge

In 2019, the Netherlands earned 4.6 billion euros through domestic exports to China.


Persons with dispensed medicines; background; 2006-2020

Persons to whom medicines were dispensed by background, medicine group, age, sex in absolute figures and as percentage of total population


Adding bio-based products and materials to statistical classifications

Descriptions of processes for proposing new codes to the PRODCOM, CN and NACE classifications at European level. Recommendations are provided based on interviews with experts.


Well-being of young adults trailing behind other age groups

People under the age of 35 experience lower levels of well-being than older people in the Netherlands.


Household consumption over 11 percent up in March

Consumers spent 11.2 percent more in March 2022 compared to March one year previously.


84 percent of sunflower oil imports in 2021 came from Ukraine

In 2021, Ukraine was the largest supplier of crude sunflower oil and maize to the Netherlands.


Housing satisfaction; household characteristics, regions

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Household characteristics, Region


More electricity from renewable sources, less from fossil sources

In 2021, electricity production declined by 2.2 billion kWh year on year, to 117.9 billion kWh.


Multilateral indices and the relaunch problem

A complication of many modern price index methods is the relaunch problem: price changes due to product replacement are not properly measured. This paper compares three solution methods: clustering,...


The Netherlands, migration country

What is our migration history? And how is it now? For example, where do immigrants come from and what are their motives? 'the Netherlands, migration country' explained by CBS chief sociologist Tanja...


Inland navigation reached record level in 2021

In 2021, inland vessels carried 369 million tonnes of goods. This is 5.8 percent more than in the previous year and also the heaviest weight ever carried over a year via inland waterways.


Over 3 thousand companies exported to Russia in 2021

In 2021, more than 3,000 enterprises in the Netherlands exported goods to Russia. Forty percent were active in wholesale trade and 10 percent in the machinery industry


Almost 3.5 bn euros in goods exported to the Baltic states

In 2021, the Netherlands exported nearly 3.5 billion euros in goods to the countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This means the volume of exports to the Baltic region is roughly half that of...
