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2519 results for European identity
2519 results for European identity

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Dutch retailers lag behind other European shopkeepers

Dutch retail trade is lagging behind retail trade in other countries in Europe. Its volume increase of 1.0 percent is below the EU average of 2 percent. In only eight of the other 27 EU countries was...


Areas of sustainability European Union

Areas of sustainability (EU figures)


Sustainable development European Union

Quality of life, resources and international dimension (EU figures)


Satellite account for culture and media 2018

Besides the contribution of culture and media to the Dutch economy and the different good, services and branches of industry playing a part here, the cultural and media goods and services are grouped...


The employment situation of participants following a project of the European Social Fund (ESF), 2007-2011 (Dutch only) (revised version)

Custom-made tables on the employment situation of participants after taking part in an ESF project. Commissioned by: the Agency of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW Agency).


Who does the European Social Fund reach? Characteristics of participants in the Netherlands, 2013 (Dutch only)

Report and tables about characteristics of participants in projects implemented under the ESF and about the durability of the labour relationship after participating in ESF projects in 2008-2013....


Enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007: analysis of additional benefits (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on various benefits paid to residents of the Netherlands born in an EU enlargement country. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment


Pilot results of the European Social Fund (ESF) (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on the employment situation of participants after completion of an ESF project, or after a reintegration programme following an ESF project. Commissioned by: the Agency of Social...


Evaluation of the European Social Fund (ESF); Job Characteristics of ESF participants in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Dutch only)

Commissioned by the Agency of Social Affairs and Employment, the Centre for Policy Related Statistics has compiled figures on the jobs of ESF participants. The figures show how many participants had...


The Netherlands in European top 5 of 'lifelong learning'

In comparison with the rest of the EU, the Dutch are relatively active participants in ‘lifelong learning’. Training for work or leisure is more popular among highly educated and those working in...


Dutch increase in senior secondary vocational education passes larger than in European Union

More than 146 thousand students passed their final exams in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) in the Netherlands in 2008/’09. This increase, 35 percent compared with ten years...


Dutch inflation stable, European rate plummets

Dutch inflation stood at 2.0 percent in March 2009, the same as in February.


Dutch retail sector performs poorly in European context

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector declined more than 3 percent in the first quarter of 2013 relative to the same period one year previously. The Dutch retail sector is not doing well in...


Heerlen introduces digital rewards for local participation

How do you encourage residents to get involved in their local community?


European support for helping young unemployed people find work

Over 145 young unemployed people in the Netherlands have improved their opportunities on the job market with financial support from Europe since 2009. Until 2014 over half of the participants in ESF...


Enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007 - Figures on the Netherlands (Dutch only)

Report and tables on characteristics of the potential workforce of people born in one of the EU enlargement countries and a number of reference groups. Commissioned by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Who does the European Social Fund reach? Characteristics of participants in the Netherlands 2009-2012 (Dutch only)

Report and tables about characteristics of participants (in 2009 and 2012) in projects implemented under the ESF and about the durability of the labour relationship after participating in ESF...


Population up by 12.8 thousand in Q1 2021

In Q1 2021, the population of the Netherlands grew by 12.8 thousand.
