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9381 results for statistical research
9381 results for statistical research

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Overland flight

Flight that takes off at one airport and lands at another.


Maritime waterway

A waterway allowing ocean vessels excluding the open sea areas.


Sector insurance corporations

Sub sector of the financial corporations sector. This sub sector consists of enterprises with a legal form such as limited companies, foundations etc. that mainly engage in changing individual into...


IOAZ and BBZ benefits and self-employed in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Dutch only)

At the request of RWI (Council for Work and Income), Statistics Netherlands has composed a set of tables with information on the number of IOAZ (income support for older and partially disabled...


Unemployment and labour force, monthly figures

Description by month of the labour force in the Netherlands, with the unemployed labour force as the central component.


Dispositions under road traffic act (Wet Mulder)

Decisions under the Administrative Law Enforcement of Traffic ("Wet Mulder"). This law regulates the administrative settlement of traffic offences, with the aim of alleviating the workload of...


Multi-family housing

Every dwelling that forms an entire property together with other dwellings and business premises. This includes apartment blocks, flats with gallery entrances or entrance halls, dwellings occupying a...


Consumer prices; rent increase for dwellings by landlord

The average increase of rent for dwellings in The Netherlands; sort renter, commercial rent, non-commercial rent, harmonisation of rents


Sector monetary financial institutions (MFI)

The sector consisting of all financial institutions and quasi corporations that have financial mediation as their core business and that have deposits and/or comparable financial titles of...


Duration of a strike

The duration in working days per conflict is determined by the company that has the longest strike action. In case of several strike actions within one company due to one conflict, the duration of...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 1 - 5 September 2014 (Week 36).



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 1-5 October (Week 40).


Non-produced assets

Economic assets that came about by a something that was not the result of a production process. These may be tangible and intangible assets and are classified by how they came into being. Some occur...


Detained under a hospital order

Measure in criminal justice where the judge orders that a crime suspect who has mental or physical problems must be treated or counselled or nursed in an appropriate facility outside the prison...


Life insurance

A contract between an insurer and an insured person. The insurer agrees to pay an amount in cash, in one or more payments, on a given date or when reaching a certain age, or when the insured person...


Gross-gross weight (goods transport)

The total weight of the goods carried, all packaging, and including the tare weight of the transport unit (e.g. (air) containers, swap bodies and pallets for containing goods, as well as road goods...


Degree of capacity utilisation of sleeping places

The number of overnight stays in a given period divided by the product of the number of sleeping places and the number of days in that period (gross). The net degree refers to the capacity in...


Real estate fund

An enterprise quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange over half of whose fixed capital and finance is invested in real estate and which generates over half of its turnover from the development,...


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Collective labour agreement sector subsidised corporations

The collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) sector of private companies financed through subsidies or amounts set by law in as far as they are not part of the government. Mostly they are active in...



Acceptance as a legitimate child following a court decision in consequence of the application of a couple or single person who wishes to adopt the child, or under The Hague Adoption Convention of...


Supplementary Benefits Act (TW)

The Supplementary Benefits Act tops up benefits under ZW, WW, WAZ, and Wajong provisions (for sickness and disability) to the guaranteed income level. The law came into force on 1 January 1987 and...
