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6779 results for CBS corporate news

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EU target early school leavers within reach for the Netherlands

In 2008, more than 11 percent of pupils in the Netherlands left school prematurely, making it feasible for the Netherlands to comply with the target of 10 percent in 2010 set by the European Union...


Sharp growth turnover construction sector in first three quarters of 2008

Total construction turnover over the first three quarters of 2008 increased by 11 percent relative to the same period last year.


Nearly 6 percent of Dutch dwellings uninhabited

On 1 January 2008 5.7 percent of the just over 7 million dwellings in the Netherlands were not officially inhabited. This does not mean that they are vacant, but that nobody is officially registered...


Imports and exports based on change of ownership, 2021=100

About the survey Imports and exports based on change of ownership, 2021=100


Women’s emancipation: a slow process

Women work fewer hours, earn lower incomes. More women in top civil sector and commercial sector positions.


0.8 percent turnover growth for retail trade sector in January

Statistics Netherlands announced today that retail turnover was 0.8 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. The volume of sales grew further in January; retail prices fell slightly faster than...


A million households more by 2045

The number of households in the Netherlands is expected to grow fast over the next few decades.


Net exports natural gas 25 percent down

In 2014, net export of natural gas was 25 percent below the level of 2013 and the volume of natural gas extracted in the Netherlands shrank by nearly 20 percent. Apart from 1988, the annual volume of...


More people defaulting on health insurance payments

At the end of 2008, 280 thousand people in the Netherlands were defaulting on the payment of their health insurance premiums.


Changes on the job market manifest in more modest increase CAO wages

In the first quarter of 2010, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages were 1.6 percent higher than one year previously. Since early 2009, the increase in CAO wages was reduced by more than half.


More foreign securities for pension funds and insurance companies in 2004

Total assets of Dutch pension funds and insurance companies amounted to 865 billion euro at the end of 2004. This is 82 billion more than in 2003. Holdings of foreign securities in particular rose....


Dramatic employment growth in care sector

Over the past decade, the amount of jobs in the care sector increased by 385 thousand. Overall employment growth in the Netherlands was 515 thousand, so three quarters of new jobs in the past ten...


Disposable income falls further

Real disposable income of Dutch households fell by 1.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013. Although real disposable income has been decreasing since the third quarter of 2011, this quarter the...


Marginal reduction farms and horticultural enterprises

On 1 April 2010, there were 72 thousand farms and horticultural enterprises in the Netherlands, a reduction by more than 1 percent relative to the same month last year. This reduction is the smallest...


Consumer prices soaring in Dutch Caribbean in 2011

Average consumer prices in the Dutch Caribbean rose dramatically in 2011 relative to one year previously.


9 billion euro worth of goods imported from Japan

The total value of goods imported from Japan last year was 9 billion euro, a 27 percent increase from 2009. Imports of machinery and transport equipment grew significantly.


Energy class known of over 2 million dwellings

Over 2 million Dutch dwellings had an energy label by the end of 2011. This is over a quarter more than at the end of 2009
