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9381 results for statistical research
9381 results for statistical research

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A collection of animals, birds, reptiles, fish, dolphins, safari park, nature park etc accessible to the public, excl. animal shelters, children's farms, deer parks or travelling show.


Subjective well-being

The degree of satisfaction one feels about one’s financial and social position, housing situation, leisure, friends, society, marriage and family.


Gross wage applicable for social insurance schemes

The wage on which employees have to pay social security contributions such as unemployment (WW) and health insurance (ZW).



Part of a municipality dominated by a given type of land use or buildings. For instance: industrial area, residential area with high-rise or low-rise buildings.


Open-ended labour contract

An employment contract which does not specify a fixed period of time or a final date of employment, except a retirement date.


Central court of appeal

Court that decides in first and sometimes sole instance or in administrative appeals in the administrative law section of the court, in certain administrative disputes.


Independent thrombosis service

Enterprises classified in SBI 86.92.4 ("Medical laboratories, intensive care for thrombotic patients and other analyses supporting medical treatment") with the only activity thrombosis service.


Perinatal mortality (WHO)

The total number of still births after a pregnancy of at least 28 weeks, plus babies who died within a week after birth.



'SIC sections B-F, thus including: - Mineral extraction; - Manufacturing industry; - Production and distribution of and trade in electricity, natural gas, steam and water; - Construction industry.


Not starting and/or ending treatment

Medical decision at the end of life in which the likelihood or certainty exists that a patient will die sooner.



Payment by the government or EU institutions to resident producers with the aim to influence production levels, prices, or remuneration of the production factors.


Museum management

The person or institution responsible for the museum and for the preservation and putting together of the collection. This is not necessarily the owner of the collection.


Land (surface)

In determining the total land area the inland waterways of less than six metres wide, marshes, salt marshes, swamps, reedy lands etc. are included.


Other household member

Someone forming a private household without being a partner, parent in a single family household, or child living at home.


Current account

Current accounts concern the generation, distribution and redistribution of income and its use in the form of final consumption. They permit the calculation of saving.


Inbound tourism in Caribbean Netherlands 2014 - 2016

This paper presents indicators about inbound tourism on Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius over the period 2014 - 2016


Degree of organisation (trade union membership rate)

The number of employees who are trade union members, expressed as a percentage of the total number of employees.


Wage restraint

A reduction in the pay increases of contractual wages. The main reason is to use the money saved to create new jobs or limit reductions.


College for Documentary Information Management

Training in information management provided by the SOD, the foundation for teaching and exams in documentary information supply and administrative organisation.


Contributing family worker

A person who works, not on the basis of a an explicit employment contract, in the company or practice of the partner or parents.



Water of 100 or more degrees Celsius. Expressed as normal steam, that is steam with a pressure of 1 bar and a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.


Country of destination (trade)

'The country to which goods are transported or in which services are provided, as known at the time of export.


Balance of payments

Systematic record of all economic transactions in a given period by Dutch residents with the rest of the world.


Water board archive service

An archive of various water boards brought together in a common building and managed by an archivist.


Healthy or very healthy

The answer in surveys where the person interviewed indicates that he/she is healthy or very healthy.
