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6779 results for CBS corporate news

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Further recovery for exports

In March, the volume of goods exports was 14 percent up on twelve months previously. This compares with a 10 percent rise in February, but it should be taken into account that the substantial...


Relatively more women unemployed in the course of time

The economic crisis pushed up unemployment in the Netherlands to 4.8 percent in 2009. This is still very low compared with the towering levels in the 1930s.


Further recovery for exports

In February, the volume of goods exports was 11 percent up on twelve months previously versus 8 percent in January, but it should be taken into account that the substantial downturn in exports...


Production renewable electricity down in 2007

The production of renewable electricity dropped from 6.5 percent of domestic electricity consumption in 2006 to 6.0 percent in 2007.


CPI all households (elaborate)

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods


Wholesale trade; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) wholesale trade


Economic situation improves further

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that similar to previous months, the economic situation in the Netherlands has improved further on nearly all accounts .  In November 2015, most...


Bumper strawberry crop in 2014

Last year, 54 million kg of strawberries were harvested last year, a new record and an increase by 3 million kg relative to 2013. Most strawberries are grown in greenhouses and polytunnels. Nearly 60...


Unemployment further down

Seasonally-adjusted unemployment was 401 thousand in December 2010, a reduction by 8 thousand relative to November.


Unemployment up

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 15 thousand in December 2013 to reach 668 thousand, i.e. 8.5 percent of the...


Robust turnover growth computer shops in first four months 2014

Turnover generated by computer and software retailers has risen substantially over the first four months of this year. The increase follows a period of nearly two and a half years of negative...


More male centenarians

Early this year 1,743 Dutch residents were one hundred years of age or older, an increase in absolute figures by 115 relative to 2009. For the first time in years, there was an increase in male...


Number of hybrid cars doubled

The number of hybrid cars registered in the Netherlands rose further in 2008. From 11.3 thousand hybrid cars on Dutch roads on 1 January 2008, the number more than doubled to 23 thousand one year...


Unemployment further up

The most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands show that unemployment increased by 10 thousand in January 2014 to reach 678 thousand, i.e. 8.6 percent in the labour force. The figures are...


Sharp drop in first year teacher training students

There has been a 20 percent drop in students entering teacher training at the hbo level over the last five years. Particularly the interest in training to become an elementary school teacher has...
