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Agriculture and horticulture services; employment and finance, 2009-2013

Agriculture services; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Support activities for agriculture


Unemployment further up

According to the most recent figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in September 2011 to 438 thousand, i.e. 5.6 percent of the labour force.


Limited positive effect of leap day on Dutch economy

Once in every four calendar years a leap day is intercalated. The year 2008 is a leap year, but the extra day appears to have little effect on the economy.


Production of livestock manure and nutrients

Calculation of the level of manure production and minerals excretion by Dutch livestock.


Investment climate; capital international comparison 1990-2011

Capital stock and investments Countries


Marginal unemployment growth

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment grew by 2 thousand in September to reach 685 thousand, i.e. 8.6 percent of the labour force.


Sewage and refuse disposal; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) sewage and refuse disposal


National statistics on sick leave, frequency, period of absence

National Statistics on sick leave in %, excl. pregnancy and maternity leave, by personscharistics, region - and businessclassification


Fewer unemployed

In the period February-April 2010, unemployment in the Netherlands averaged 459 thousand.


Ammonia emissions from animal housing still too high

Two-thirds of laying hens in the Netherlands were housed in so-called low-emission sheds in 2008. Most meat chickens, porkers, and sows were still housed in facilities where too much ammonia is...


Employment opportunities social security recipients vary considerably by municipality

Nearly 30 thousand persons living on social security benefits by the end of 2009 managed to find jobs in 2010, i.e. 9 percent of social security recipients. In the category municipalities with 100...


Fewer parents receive allowance for care provided by childminders

The number of parents receiving an allowance for care provided by registered childminders was reduced considerably in 2010, but more parents received an allowance for other types of childcare.


CAO wage increase stable in third quarter

Collectively negotiated (CAO) wages were 1.3 percent higher in the third quarter of this year than in the same period in 2009. The increase is about the same as in the second quarter.


Turnover construction sector picks up in first half of 2011

After 2010, a very dramatic year for the construction sector (excluding property developers), the first six months of 2011 were somewhat more positive. The mild temperatures in winter prompted a 6...
