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9383 results for statistical research
9383 results for statistical research

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Income support debt

Welfare recipient who has a debt outstanding with a municipality, related to the welfare provisions (WWB, IOAW, IOAZ or (W)WIK).


Gross tonnage

The measure for the total cubic capacity of the ship in accordance with the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships of 1969.


Water (surface)

Total surface of water inland and open, excluding inland waterways of less than six metres wide, marshes, salt marshes, swamps, reedy lands etc.


Person with a second-generation migration background

Person born in the Netherlands who has at least one parent who was born abroad.


Joinder for trial

Joining registered court cases by the public prosecutor so that the judge can pronounce judgement on several cases in one verdict.


Advanced archive management studies

Training in archive management provided by the SOD, the foundation for teaching and exams in documentary information supply and administrative organisation.


Sub district court sector

The lowest level in the court system, formerly the sub district (cantonal) courts. They are part of the district court organisation.


Net reproduction rate

The average number of daughters a group of women would give birth to, if certain age-specific fertility and mortality figures were to apply.


Child living at home

Someone with a child-parent relationship with one or two of the adults in the household.


North Sea

The body of water to the west of the coast of the provinces Zeeland, North and South Holland and the Wadden islands.


Group accommodation

An establishment with at least twenty sleeping places, providing lodging to groups (not families) with rooms or chalets, campsites or collective dormitories.


The introduction of new methods for price observations in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). New methods for airline tickets and package holidays.

As of January 2012 Statistics Netherlands (CBS) introduced in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) new methods for the observation of prices for airline tickets and for package holidays. In both product...


International goods transport

Goods transport between the Netherlands and abroad, where either the place of loading or the place of unloading is outside the Netherlands.


Gross fixed capital formation by government

Investments to expand or replace assets by Central government and other public sector enterprises and social , households and non-profit organisations.


Days leave

Paid days leave agreed on a yearly basis, including extra days paid leave granted on the basis of age, position, seniority etc.


Special purpose housing

A complex, a building or part of a building purpose-built for permanent occupation by an institutional household.


Sector financial corporations

The institutional sector of the economy consisting of institutions whose principle activity is intermediation between supply and demand for money.


Consumption by the government

The use of goods and services for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs of members of society.


Primary energy source

Energy source extracted from nature, such as oil, natural gas, coal and forms of renewable energy such as wind and water power.


Other subsidies on production

Subsidies on production that are not directly related to the volume or value of the products sold. These are mainly wage subsidies.


Financial intermediation

The channelling, on one's own account, of funds from parties that have financial means available to parties requiring extra financial means.


Special income support

Income support provided under special circumstances only, when the welfare recipient incurs higher costs than the normal benefits provide for.


Regional archive centre

An archive of various municipalities and/or water boards brought together in a common building and managed by an appointed archivist.



The phenomenon that people without paid work, who recently looked for work and are directly available for it, can’t get a job.


Victim (legal)

Person or body against whom a punishable act is directed, or who has directly been affected by the consequences of a criminal offence.
