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9383 results for statistical research
9383 results for statistical research

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Minimum wage

The legal minimum on 1 January for the wage of a fulltime employee.


Dependent labour force

The section of the labour force pertaining to people working in paid employment.



Hours worked extra over and above the normal working hours and fully paid.


Sector corporations

The sector of the economy whose principle activity is the production of market goods and services. The sector consists of financial and non-financial corporations.


Own risk bearer

An employer who bears the risk of sickness benefits insurance, with approval of the industrial insurance board.


Pension based on last wage earned

Pension where the pension benefits paid are based on the last salary earned before retirement.


National saving

The difference between disposable national income and consumer spending and correction for pension provisions. The saving can be gross (including depreciation) and net (excluding depreciation).


Full-time job

An employee's job when he or she has a contract and tasks for a full working day and full working week.


Summary of the annual report 2008 (National Youth Monitor)

This summary outlines the key results of the annual report 2008, based on figures from the website National Youth Monitor.


Type of museum

Museums are classified by the kind of collection they exhibit: art, history, natural history, business & technology, ethnography and mixed.


Secondary special education

Until 1998 secondary education for children who require a special approach due to behavioural or learning difficulties or a physical disability.


District court

Court of law that hears all cases in first instance for which no other judge is designated. There are nineteen district courts.


Full-time equivalent (fte)

A measure of labour volume, calculated by converting all full-time and part-time jobs to full-time jobs


Secondary vocational education

Secondary vocational training including the block or day release programmes introduced by the WEB (Adult and Vocational Education Act) as per 1 August 1998.


Country of origin (trade)

Country from which goods imported into the Netherlands were transported, or country which provides services in the Netherlands.


Gross tonnage

The measure for the total cubic capacity of the ship in accordance with the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships of 1969.


International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)

A classification by the United Nations to classify economic activities.


Temp worker

Someone registered at a temp agency who has entered into an agreement with that agency to work temporarily for a third party.



Everyone who does not posses the Dutch nationality and is not to be treated as a Dutch citizen on the basis of a legal clause.


One-family home

Every dwelling that forms the entire property. This includes detached houses, semi-detached houses, farms with dwellings and all terraced houses.



An event that occurs suddenly and involuntarily where an external cause leads to physical injury not caused by deliberate violence or food poisoning.


Couple (household)

Two people belonging together on the basis of a marriage, a registered partnership or a relationship while living together .


Reduced working hours

Reduction in working hours on a weekly or yearly basis as a result of an agreement on shorter working hours.


Adult basic education

Courses intended for adults with a very low level of education. The courses focus on teaching language, arithmetic and social skills.
