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Inflation1.8 percent in March

Inflation in the Netherlands was 1.8 percent in March 2005. This is 0.2 of a percent point higher than in February, when prices were 1.6 percent higher than twelve months previously. Fresh vegetables...


Sharp drop in building permits for own homes

Dutch municipalities issued building permits for 32 thousand dwellings in the first half of 2009. This is nearly 10 percent down on the same period last year.


More men in their 40s become fathers

In recent years, the number of men in their 40s who become fathers has continually grown. In 2006, about 24 thousand babies were born whose fathers were in their 40s, i.e. 14 percent of all babies...


Causes of death statistics

Publication of data regarding the causes of death of all domestically deceased residents.


National accounts; structure national net lending/borrowing 1969 - 2012

Structure of national net lending/borrowing Annual data


Population; sex, age and marital status, 1 January; 1950-2019

Population in The Netherlands by sex, age and marital status, 1 January


Sharp increase in the share of renewable energy

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands, renewable energy constituted 5.6 percent of total Dutch energy consumption in 2014. This is substantially more than the 4.8 percent of 2013...


Growing number of people rely on social security

The number of social security claimants has risen by 8 thousand to 434 thousand in the second quarter of 2014.


most substantial increase consumer spending in four years

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.8 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. This was the most substantial...


Cigarette prices doubled in past decade

In April 2013, the price of cigarettes was twice as high as a decade ago, mainly due to tax increases. Currently, taxes account for nearly three quarters of the price of a packet of cigarettes.


Dutch exports greatly increased

In June, the volume of goods exports was up by more than13 percent on twelve months previously. This compares with the rise of more than 16 percent in May. However, in the first six months of 2009...


Monday more popular wedding day

More than 78 thousand marriages and partnerships were registered in the Netherlands last year. The number of marriages and partnerships has fallen after 2010. Friday is still the most popular day to...


Inflation drops to 1.1 percent in February

Inflation in the Netherlands fell to 1.1 percent in February. This is 0.2 of a percent point down on January. In that month consumer prices were 1.3 percent higher than twelve months previously.


Sickness absence down to 4.7 percent

Absence among Dutch employees caused by sickness was on average 4.7 percent in 2003. In 2002 it was still over 5.3 percent. On average employees reported in sick 1.3 times a year. Women, older people...


Fewer children in day care centres

In 2013, the number of children attending day care centres has fallen for the second year in a row. On 31 December 2011, 322 thousand 0 to 3-year-old children attended day care centres versus 284...


Private sector spend more on education

In 2008 spending on education totalled 37.6 billion euro. This is 2.4 billion euro more than in 2007.


No increase share renewable energy in 2013

Last year, 4.5 percent of total Dutch energy consumption was generated by means of renewable energy sources, i.e. the same as in 2012.


Investments down after eight months of growth

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.3 percent down in June 2014 from June 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, investments in residential and non-residential property and...


Modest consumption growth

Household spending on goods and services was 0.5 percent up in July 2014 from July 2013. In May and June household spending was approximately at the same level as one year previously.


Exports up again

The volume of exports of goods was 2.4 percent up in June 2014 from June 2013, after a 3.1 percent drop in May. The volume of imported goods was 2.3 percent down from twelve months previously. The...
