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Economic situation improves further

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that similar to previous months, the economic situation in the Netherlands has improved further on nearly all accounts .  In November 2015, most...


Nearly 12 thousand asylum requests in October

In October 2015, the number of newly registered asylum seekers and family members joining asylum seekers increased to 11.7 thousand, more than in any other previous month. The total in September was...


More goods carried by inland waterways in 2014 but hardly or no turnover growth

The carriage of goods by inland waterways has risen by 3 percent last year. Total turnover increased, but has as yet not reached the pre-recession level.


Ten percent fewer people without medical insurance in 2010

On 1 May 2010 136 thousand people living in the Netherlands were not insured for medical costs. This is 10 percent fewer than twelve months previously.


Sharp growth number of social security recipients

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, 390 thousand under-65s received social security benefits at the end of March, i.e. an increase by 11 thousand relative to the...


Good start for exports in 2010

The volume of goods exports was nearly 10 percent larger in January than twelve months previously. In December, the volume of exports was only 2 percent up. It should be taken into account that the...


Unemployment further down

In July this year, 449 thousand people were unemployed, i.e. 5.7 percent of the Dutch labour force.


Available household income 3.2 percent down in 2012

Real disposable income of households in the Netherlands has fallen for the fifth year in a row: by 3.2 percent in 2012.


Dutch consumers skimp on hairdressers and beauty treatments

In the first half of this year, turnover generated by hairdresser and beauty salons fell by 3.5 percent relative to the same period in 2012. The number of visits to hairdresser and beauty salons is...


Dutch women among the most emancipated in Europe

Inequality between men and women in the Netherlands is relatively small compared to the other countries of the EU 27. The Netherlands has a relatively high score on the Gender Empowerment...


Unemployment down

According to the latest figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment totalled 392 thousand in June 2011, a reduction by 9 thousand from May.


Some 241 thousand people have no medical insurance

On 1 May 2006, some 241 thousand people in the Netherlands were not insured for the costs of medical care. This 1.5 percent of the Dutch population.


Inflation Caribbean Netherlands rises

Inflation was up on all three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands in the first quarter of 2014. On Bonaire it was 1.3 percent, on St Eustatius 2.5 percent and on Saba 1.4 percent.


Use of security software in the Netherlands highest in the EU

Dutch Internet users are spammed more often, but their PCs are less infected by computer viruses than Internet users in other countries of the European Union (EU).


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, national accounts, 1995-2018

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Increasing amount of nitrogen removed from sewage water

The nitrogen removal capacity of sewage water treatment plants in the Netherlands is improving continuously. In 2006, the 75 percent barrier was broken for the first time.
