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1384 results for short holidays
1384 results for short holidays

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Unemployment benefits; amounts per month. 1998-2009.

Benefits granted under the Unemployment Insurance Act in mln euro Amounts


Number of households at risk of poverty in the Netherlands relatively low

The number of households facing financial constraints is relatively low in the Netherlands compared to most other European countries. The number of households, who only just manage financially, is...


Monday more popular wedding day

More than 78 thousand marriages and partnerships were registered in the Netherlands last year. The number of marriages and partnerships has fallen after 2010. Friday is still the most popular day to...


February's inflation rate the same as in January

According to the consumer price index (CPI), the inflation rate in the Netherlands was 0.6 percent in February. In January consumer prices were also 0.6 percent up from one year previously.


Incoming tourism contributed 16.4 percent to Bonaire's economy in 2012

Incoming tourism accounted for a direct contribution to Bonaire’s gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately 16.4 percent in 2012.


Dutch consumers embrace online shopping

More and more Dutch consumers are shopping online. This spring, nearly three-quarters of the 11.8 million internet users in the Netherlands said they had purchased a product online.


further increase in hours worked in temp jobs

The total number of hours worked in temp jobs increased was 1.1 percent higher in the first quarter of 2015 than in the fourth quarter of 2014. According to Statistics Netherlands, the total number...


CPI all households (elaborate)

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods


Highest increase number of temp hours in over 10 years

The total number of temp hours increased by 4.2 percent, the highest increase since Q2 2007.


Consumer prices 1.4 percent up in 2017

The consumer price index rose by 1.4 percent on average in 2017 on the previous year.


Most substantial increase temp hours since 2010

The total amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 2.5 percent in the third quarter relative to the second quarter, the most substantial increase in four years.


Inflation rate rises to 0.6 percent

Inflation rate rises to 0.6 percent


substantial rise in hotel guests in 2014

Establishments providing overnight accommodation in the Netherlands received considerably more guests in 2014 than in the previous year. Just over half came from Germany, the United Kingdom and...


More children at risk of poverty

The number of underage children at risk of poverty has increased in 2011. In the provinces of South Holland and Groningen, more children grow up in poverty than in other provinces. In more than half...


Workforce composition differs between care sectors

According to Statistics Netherlands’ new statistics on care institutions, the composition of the workforce in care differs between the various care sectors.
