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1630 results for mortgage costs
1630 results for mortgage costs

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Continuing vocational training survey, 1993-2005

Costs of and number of employees with internal and external courses by branch of industry and size of enterprise


Purchase value of sales

The costs of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods, packaging materials, trading goods, wages for work hired for the production of the goods and services used in the production within the...


Public deficit 2014 the same as in 2013

The public deficit over 2014 was 2.3 percent of GDP. Central government and the social funds were the largest contributors to the deficit. The municipal deficit has fallen sharply, but the provincial...


Net turnover

Business returns, excluding VAT (value added taxes) from the selling of goods and services to customers. Turnover is calculated after deduction of discounts, bonuses, returnable deposits and...


Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Environmental burden by subject; costs and revenues from environmental taxes and fees; emissions to water and air


Non-profit institution serving businesses (NPISB)

A private non-profit institution where over 50 % of the production costs are covered by sales.


Investment in the environment

Fixed capital formation with the primary aim to protect, restore or improve the environment, of which the costs will not be recovered within three years.


Export value of goods (trade)

The value of all goods, including costs insurance freight (CIF) up to the Dutch border. The goods are domestically produced or imported.


Technical provisions

The present value of expected future benefits and costs minus premiums and investment income. Also included are provisions for premiums receipts and for claims payments that are settled in another...


Sector general government

The institutional sector of the economy that makes most of its output available for free or for prices that are not economically significant. The costs are mainly financed from payments by units from...


Exceptional result

The result of the exceptional income minus the exceptional expenses. Exceptional income includes profits that do not come out of regular business transactions. For instance differences in exchange...


Kind-of-activity unit

Statistical unit that groups all the parts of an enterprise contributing to the performance of an activity at class level (4- digits) of NACE Rev. 1 and corresponds to one or more operational...


Sector accounts; key figures 1969 - q4 2013

Key figures of economic sectors Most important figures on economic sectors


Most households practise energy conservation

People who say they care about the environment also practise energy conservation


Consumer price increase remains at 1.2 percent in May

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.2 percent higher in May than in the same month last year.


Financial corporations; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Financial corporations; balance sheet, Assets; liabilities; financial corporations.


Focus on container traffic, from seagoing vessel to HGV

Every year, some 4.5 million containers are being discharged in ports around the Netherlands.


Tax deduction home owners amounts to 33 billion euro

The tax deduction for home owners amounted to more than 33 billion euro in 2011. The tax advantage for home owners totalled more than 14 billion euro.


Material well-being

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of material well-being? Material well-being is the income people can spend on things that make life...


Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input by region


Key figures by sector; NA, 1995-2017

Sector accounts; key figures Most important figures of institutional sectors


Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Financial instrument by borrowing or lending party Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Construction industry; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Construction industry; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Construction of buildings, civil engineering and specialised construction


Water supply, waste management; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Water supply, waste; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Water supply, sewerage, waste collection and treatment, remediation
