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9387 results for statistical research
9387 results for statistical research

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Income from work

Wages and salaries of employees plus the attributed pay for self-employed people and family-members working in the family business.


Inhabitant equivalent

The amount of oxygen-binding substances of which the oxygen consumption during biodegradation equals the amount of waste water produced by one inhabitant.


Institution for the mentally disabled

Institution certified by the Health Care Insurance Board (College van Zorgverzekeringen) as an institution providing care for mentally disabled people.


College of appeal for commerce

Court deciding on conflicts in economic administrative law and in appeals against a decision or action by a corporate body.



The volume of goods of one kind that is transported with one transporter in one go from the loading to the unloading area.


Botanical garden

General name for gardens accessible to the general public. These include hortuses, arboreta, pineta, herb gardens, museum gardens, model gardens, show gardens.


Average mortgage rate

The average rate for all new mortgages on houses and home/commercial property combinations entered in the land register in the reporting period.


Other vegetable waste

Residual vegetable matter derived from industrial processes (mainly paper manufacturing) or agriculture waste (straw, peelings from coffe beans and the like).


Energy users

Transport, manufacturing industry, households, services and agriculture. In other words: all companies, institutions and private households, with the exception of energy companies


Labour volume

The volume of labour input in the production process, in terms of hours worked or full-time equivalents


Net migration (incl. administrative corrections)

The number of people arriving minus the number of people departing, including the balance of administrative corrections. (administrative entries minus administrative removals).


Labour dispute

Ground for a strike, work interruption, employee exclusion by the employer, or a series of related strikes, work interruptions or lock-outs.


Load capacity tonne-kilometre

Unit of measurement for transport capacity, representing the transport of a tonne (1000 kilograms) of load capacity over one kilometre.


Institutional household

Household consisting of two or more people living in one accommodation whose housing and daily needs are provided professionally.


Energy tax

Levy on natural gas, electricity and other heating fuels (oil, petroleum, LPG not used as car or boat fuel.)


Volume change

The weighted average of the changes in the volume and quality of the parts of particular goods or service transactions or the value added.


Gross weight (goods transport)

The total weight of transported goods plus the weight of the packaging, but excluding the weight of the transport unit.


Day of absence (hospital)

Day preceding a night in which a patient is absent from the hospital, not being the day the patient is dismissed.


Sleeping place (in accommodation)

Every bed or other space in an accommodation where one person can sleep. Double beds are counted as two sleeping places.


Redundancy pay

Benefits paid periodically, based on the number of years a civil servant or employee participating in a retirement scheme has worked.


Crime victim

Someone aged over 12 who has experienced one or more of the types of common crime in the 12 months preceding the survey.


Interest rate

Official interest rates as determined by the European Central Bank (ECB) or the government and interest rates on the money market.


Transport on own account

Transport on own account of goods or persons; goods are exclusively intended for or originate from the own business or company.


Capital taxes

Compulsory, non-periodical payments to the government. They are based on the wealth of taxable persons. In practise, they only cover the inheritance tax.
