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9387 results for statistical research
9387 results for statistical research

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Child care by district in Amsterdam, provisional results 2008 (Dutch only)

The Centre for Policy Related Statistics has been commissioned by the municipality of Amsterdam to compute provisional results for the use of official child care provisions in the districts of...


Institution for education in the arts

A non-profit legal entity with its own budget active in arts and education.


Volunteer services

Work in some organised fashion, done without pay and without obligation, for the benefit of others or for society.


Partnership registration

A marriage-like relationship recorded at the registry office. Partnership registration is open to same-sex and different-sex couples.



Gas derived through active fermentation of organic material from sewage purification (sewage gas), landfill gas and other biomass fermentation.


Expected investments current/next year

The purchase value of the fixed material assets that will be used in the current or next year.


Person with a first-generation migration background

Person born abroad with at least one parent who was born abroad.


Central production of electricity

The centrally co-ordinated generation of electricity by units linked to the high tension network of TENNET.


Minimum wage for young people

The legal minimum wage on 1 January for a fulltime employee aged under 23.


Monthly indicator

Volume-indicator on a monthly basis for economic variables that are also part of the Quarterly National Accounts.


Income under the General Old Age Pension Act (AOW).

Gross benefits received under the General Old Age Pension Act (AOW).


Length of stay

The number of full years that passed between the moment of observation and the date of the most recent immigration.


Waddenzee, Eems, Dollard

Water area between the Wadden islands, the IJsselmeer dam, and the coasts of North Holland, Friesland and Groningen.


Daily wage

The wage per day including the holiday bonus share that serves as the basis for calculating social benefits.


Vintage of capital goods

The year in which the capital goods become available for the production process for the first time.


Hourly wage

The wage, calculated by dividing the monthly wage, excluding overtime, by 1/12 of the annual working hours.


Self-employed entrepreneur

A person who works for his/her own account and risk in an own company or practice.


Micro fiches and films

Micro copies on celluloid of archives kept in depot to prevent wear and tear of the originals.


Protest, entering a

Normal legal remedy used when a verdict (in absentia) is incontestable and does not allow for further appeal.



Field of education ISCED

The place of educational programs in the ISCED classification based on thematic content.


Income from wealth

Sum of the income from financial assets, income from real estate, and income from other property, minus interest paid.


Registration for an arts course

A contract between someone and an institution for education in the arts to take a specific course.
