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1561 results for security chain
1561 results for security chain

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Study on fair algorithms for policy-making

In Dutch society, more and more decisions are being made by automated systems which are based on algorithms.


Employees from abroad;resident/non-resident,demographic variables,2010-2017

Jobs, foreign born employees, employee characteristics, job characteristics, country of birth/citizenship


Energy intensities of buildings of the services sector

Providing insight in the average gas and electricity consumption of buildings in the services sector. Energy efficiency indicators are needed to monitor energy efficiency policies.


Major renewal of data collection at Statistics Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands is introducing a new process chain for data collection with the accompanying IT landscape.


Asylum and integration 2019

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2028


Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100

Short Surveydescription Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100


Digitale veiligheid en criminaliteit

Hoeveel mensen werden slachtoffer van cybercrime? CBS-redactiechef Dick ter Steege vat de resulaten van pilotonderzoek 'Digitale Veiligheid en Criminaliteit' samen.


Energy consumption industry (no energy sector);energy commodities,1975-2012

Consumption of energy Industry of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat



Nitrogen Dossier: Introduction

By emission, we mean the release of molecules into the air, water or soil. In the case of nitrogen, this refers specifically to the emission of reactive forms, such as nitrogen oxides and ammonia,...


Energy consumption energy sector; energy commodities, 1967-2013 2nd quarter

Energy consumption of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


Government budget surplus up to 1.5 percent in 2018

The Dutch government achieved an 11 billion euro budget surplus in 2018, equivalent to 1.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Government debt declined, just as in previous years, and stood at...



Fewer strike actions in 2018

In 2018, Dutch employees went on strike 28 times, against 32 times in the previous year. The number of working days lost was 67 thousand less than in 2017.


Industry; production, sales, orders, SIC 2008, 2000-2012

Production, sales and orders Industry; manufacturing, mining and quarrying and public utilities


Energy; consumption and producer prices by energy commodity 1995-2017

Domestic energy consumption and producer price index for total energy commodities, natural gas, crude oil, hard coal, electricity and other


CBS and Dataprovider successfully map internet economy

Elsewhere around the world, a number of other countries are planning to also implement the basic model developed by CBS and Dataprovider.


Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom

Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands


Trainees seek out new data sources

Our team was tasked with finding out how the dark web can be used to source information for new statistics on digital crime.


Budget surplus up to 1.9 percent of GDP in mid-2018

Government revenues were nearly 5 billion euros higher in the first six months of 2018 than in the same period last year. This resulted in a year-on-year increase in the budget surplus, equivalent to...


From trainee to big data expert

My company’s expertise lies in the field of labour market issues


Number of employed persons further up

Between July and September 2019, the number of people in paid employment grew by 8 thousand per month on average, reaching a total of nearly 9.0 million in September. In the same period, unemployment...


KNAW: improve the reuse of public data for science

One of the Academy’s findings is that government organisations are mainly focused on businesses and the general public when making the data they collect available. The academic world is not yet on...


ISO certification and Privacy certification

On CBS and ISO certification and Privacy certification


Deep learning for solar panel detection

How to improve the estimate of the total amount of solar energy generated in the Netherlands. One of these projects is Deep Solaris. In this project, we evaluated several Deep Learning methods to...
