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700 results for savings deposits

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International Trade in Services

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Municipal cuts on arts and culture

This year’s municipal spending on arts and culture is anticipated to total nearly 1.7 billion euros, 3.7 percent down from 2012. The per capita amount is reduced from 103 to 98 euros.


Lowest number of asylum requests since 1988

In 2007, the number of asylum requests submitted in the Netherlands had reached its lowest point since 1988. Iraqi and Somali asylum seekers constituted the largest groups.


Fewer women stay at home to care

The number of women who could not accept jobs of twelve hours or more a week, because they had to care for their families was reduced form 755 thousand in 2001 to 318 thousand in 2010.


Green growth in the Netherlands 2015

In the publication Green growth in the Netherlands 2015 ,Statistics Netherlands analyses and describes the state of the “green” economy in the Netherlands, based on 36 indicators, divided...


Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, NA, 1999-2017

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


1.2 million Dutch with dual nationality

On 1 January last year, there were 1.2 million people in the Netherlands with at least one other nationality in addition to the Dutch nationality, an increase by 40 thousand relative to 1 January...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 26-30 April 2010 (Week 17).



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 24 - 28 June 2013 (Week 26).


Environmental investment

In 2015 the share of Dutch investment in environmental protection in total investment


High profits on bonds

In the first nine months of 2010, the value of bonds increased by more than 23 billion euro. In this period, the value of newly issued bonds minus paid-off bonds was 27 billion euro.


Economic opportunities

Important in a greener economy is that the goods and services produced are cleaner and more resource efficient.


Shares thrive in spring

An old saying runs as follows: ‘Sell in May and go away, but remember come back in September.’ This well-known proposition suggests that share prices follow a specific pattern throughout the year.


Large income gap between working fathers and mothers

In 2011, the average gross annual wage of female employees was 33 thousand euro, i.e. 55 percent of the average income of their male colleagues who earned 58 thousand euro. The gender income gap is...


Large increase in underwater mortgages

Over 1.4 million Dutch households had a fiscal mortgage debt that exceeded the value of their own home on 1 January 2013. One year earlier this was true for 1.1 million households.


Disposable income falls further

Real disposable income of Dutch households fell by 1.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013. Although real disposable income has been decreasing since the third quarter of 2011, this quarter the...


Wealthy baby boomers

Post-war baby boomers are relatively wealthy. Households, in which the main breadwinner is aged between 50 and 65, are relatively often found in the highest income brackets and more often than people...


Dutch use water more efficiently

Although the population and the economy are growing, the use of tap water remains stable. Measures taken to enhance efficiency have reduced the annual tap water use per capita by an average 0.7...


The consumer price index

Since 2010, CBS has increasingly used scanner data in calculating indices for the consumer price index (CPI).
