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641 results for keyword:turnover
641 results for keyword:turnover

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Industrial production and turnover higher

In September 2005 the Dutch manufacturing industry produced 1.6 percent more than in September 2004, while turnover was up by 7 percent.


Retail trade up in August

Retail turnover was 3.5 percent higher in August 2005 than in the same month last year. Prices were 1.0 percent lower than twelve months previously.


More turnover, same production

The Dutch manufacturing industry saw its turnover in August increase by 11 percent on August 2004. This substantial turnover increase was caused by higher selling prices and an extra working day.


Less turnover in retail

Turnover in the Dutch retail trade in July was down by 3.6 percent on July 2004.


Higher turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry, production equal

Turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry in July 2005 was 3 percent higher than in July 2004.


Turnover in hotels and restaurants up again

The hotel and restaurant sector booked 1.3 percent more turnover in the second quarter of 2005 than in the same period last year.


Retail turnover down again in second quarter

In the second quarter of 2005 turnover in Dutch retail trade was 2.4 percent down on the same period last year. For the ninth time in a row retail turnover was lower than in the previous quarter.


Manufacturing turnover higher, output stable

In June 2005 turnover of Dutch manufacturing industry was higher than one year ago. Compared to June last year, turnover increased 5 percent, mainly due to higher selling prices.


Retail trade lost turnover in May

Turnover in Dutch retail trade in May was down by 4.7 percent on May 2004. Prices were 1 percent lower than in May 2004 as well, while turnover volume went down by 3.8 percent.


Manufacturing turnover up, output down

Turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher in May 2005 than in the same month last year. Compared with May last year it was 8 percent higher.


Retail turnover down again

In April 2005 turnover in retail trade was 3.5 percent down on April 2004. Retailers have suffered turnover losses for two years now.


Manufacturing turnover up, output down

Turnover of Dutch manufacturing industry increased again in April 2005 and was 6 percent higher than in April 2004.


Turnover slightly up for hotels and restaurants

The hotel and restaurant sector booked 1.1 percent more turnover in the first quarter of this year than in the same quarter last year. This is the second quarter in a row that turnover in the hotel...


Retail turnover falling for two years now

Retail turnover in the first quarter of 2005 was 3.2 percent lower than in the first quarter of 2004. This is now the eighth quarter in a row that retail turnover has fallen. Retail prices were 1.0...


Higher turnover manufacturing industry

In March 2005 turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher than one year previously. Compared to March last year turnover was 3 percent up. Higher selling prices account for the...


Manufacturers more pessimistic, business services more optimistic

Producers’ confidence in the manufacturing industry is -0.1 in April 2005. Manufacturers are thus significantly less optimistic than in March.


Less turnover in Dutch retail trade

Turnover in the Dutch retail trade in February 2005 was down by 4 percent on February 2004. Retail prices fell by 1 percent during this period, while the turnover volume decreased by 3.1 percent....


Again higher turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry

In February the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher than a year before. Compared to February 2004 turnover was up by 6 percent. The turnover increase is virtually the same...


Higher turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry

In January 2005, turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 8 percent higher than in January 2004. The increase was mainly due to higher selling prices. Industrial production in the period...


Manufacturing output down

In the period November-December 2004 manufacturing output was 0.4 percent down on the period September-October. Turnover of Dutch manufacturing industry rose by 11 percent in December 2004 compared...
