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5139 results for economic geographic areas
5139 results for economic geographic areas

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Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; National Accounts

Keyfigures on income, expenditure and net worth of households Source of income, living situation, househould compositon, age and income


Greenhouse gas emissions 5 percent lower in Q2 2023

In Q2 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 5 percent lower than in Q2 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


CBS and UvA in collaboration to solve social problems

It sounds like science fiction: a ‘digital twin’ of society that policy-makers can use to resolve complex social problems.


Birth; key figures

Key figures on birth by sex, birth order or marital status of the mother. Including figures on stillborn children and multiple births


More young people receiving youth assistance, particularly teenage girls

In 2023, 474 thousand young people received youth care.


Vacancy indicator

Vacancy indicator Manufacturing, construction, commercial services, SBI2008


CBS carefully considers questions about AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere.


Government debt; debt instruments, counterpart sector, valuation, sectors

Total government debt and debt in foreign currency. Debt instruments, counterpart sector, face- and market value, sectors.


Industry; production and sales, changes and index, 2021=100

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


1,862 suicide deaths in 2023

In 2023, 1,862 people took their own lives.


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours; index (2010=100)

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2010=100 monthly, SIC 2008


Business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Enterprise births; enterprise deaths; enterprise population SIC 2008; legal forms


Trade and services; turnover and production changes, index 2021=100

Trade and services; turnover and production changes, index 2021=100 Naar bedrijfsactiviteit (SBI 2008)


Government Finance Statistics; key figures

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


High-growth enterprises, European standard; SIC2008

High-growth enterprises; Employees in high-growth enterprises Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Netherlands Business survey, region, month

Realisations, expectations and opinions Dutch Business Survey Production, turnover, orders, prices, workforce, stocks, ec. climate


Manufacturing output prices over 4 percent down in November

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 4.2 percent lower in November relative to one year previously.


Services producer price index (SPPI); index 2021=100

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


Government deficit at 0.3 percent of GDP in 2023

The Dutch government spent 3.5 billion euros more than it received in 2023. This is equivalent to 0.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), and was slightly higher than the 2022 deficit, which was...


Deaths; suicide (residents), various themes

Victims of suicide by marital status, method, motives, age and sex among the Dutch population, absolute figures and per 100 000 persons


Health expenditure; revenues of health care financing schemes

Health and care expenditure Revenues of healthcare financing schemes; healthcare financing schemes


Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts

balance sheets, national accounts, sectors sector, asset


Flash estimate of inflation: December

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that CPI-measured annual inflation stood at 9.6 percent in December 2022.


More 15 and 16-year-olds in paid work

The number of young people aged 15-26 in paid work increased by 34 thousand in Q4 2023 compared to the same quarter one year earlier.


Purchasing power in the Caribbean Netherlands declined in 2022

Purchasing power in the Caribbean Netherlands declined in 2022, partly due to high inflation.
