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774 results for discussion papers
774 results for discussion papers

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Quarterly national accounts; values

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Values at current and constant prices


Quarterly national accounts; changes

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Base shift for input price indices Civil engineering from 2010=100 to 2015=100

As of the first quarter of 2020, the Civil engineering price indices will be published with a new reference year, i.e. 2015. This publication describes what has changed in relation to the series...


Inferring network traffic from sensors without a sampling design

The use of non-probability data as a primary data source in official statistics is currently an active field of research.


Dutch manufacturers remain optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers improved slightly in January. They were considerably more positive about their stocks of finished products and their...


One in eight voters vote by proxy

A huge amount of voters in the Netherlands vote by proxy. At the 2006 elections for the Dutch House of Representatives, 12 percent of voters had authorised somebody else to vote for them.


Higher industrial turnover in April

In April the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 5 percent on April 2003. Furthermore the Dutch manufacturing industry was able to hang on to the recovery in production realised in...


Stable turnover in the manufacturing industry despite lower production

According to the latest figures, the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry in December 2003 was virtually the same as in December 2002. Production was down by 3 percent on December 2002.


Central government surplus 3.0 billion euro

For the first time in six years, the difference between government revenue and expenditure was positive in 2006.


Manufacturing prices fall less rapidly

Selling prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were 0.5 percent lower in May 2014 than in May 2013. Prices of manufactured products have been down from twelve months previously for well over a year...


Prices manufacturing industry continue to fall

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, selling prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 1.7 percent down in September 2014 from September 2013. In August,...


Internationalisation Monitor 2018, second quarter

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor, we focus on the relationship between internationalisation and employment.


Dutch manufacturers less optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in December. They were less positive, in particular about their future output. The producer confidence...


Lower industrial turnover and production

In November 2003 the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was down 5 percent on November 2002. This is mainly because there was one working day less in November 2003 than in 2002.


Traffic growth in ports driven by container sector

Container transhipment increased substantially at Dutch seaports in 2017.


Business survey manufacturing industry February 1989 - October 2011

Production and capacity utilisation, orders, sales prices, stocks final products, competitive position, sales, number of employees for


Enterprises; sizeclass and legal form, 2006-2010

Number of enterprises by size (14 classes) and legal form (9 classes) Economic activities in 103 sections/divisions (SIC 2008)


Producer confidence picks up

The Dutch producer confidence indicator stood at 3.4 in September, up from 1.2 in August.
