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730 results for asylum request
730 results for asylum request

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Childcare by neighbourhood in Amsterdam, 2010 (Dutch only)

Use of child care provisions by income and neighbourhood in 2010. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Municipality of Amsterdam


Am I required to provide data?

frequently asked questions about Finance-of-Business


Environmental protection expenditures in the building industry

Final report at the request of Eurostat on environment protection expenditures made in the building industry.


Childcare by municipality in the Netherlands, 2012 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities in the Netherlands by municipality and type of childcare. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Buitenhek Consultancy.


Additional tables Migrants Monitor 2011-2012 (Dutch only)

Additional breakdown of Table 3 of the Migrants Monitor 2011-2012. Data are available on request. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.


Exploring third generation non-westerners in the Netherlands (Dutch only)

The third generation of people with a non-western background have parents born in the Netherlands, and at least one grandparent born in a non-western country. At the request of the Ministry of...


Income of households in Hattem, Heerde and Epe, 2009 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables regarding the income of households by district, neighbourhood and type of residence. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Housing cooperative Triada


The significance of  the 'CUMELA' sector for rural areas in the Netherlands (extra analyses) (Dutch only)

Tables of workers in the CUMELA who live in rural areas of the Netherlands, 2006 and 2009. Data are available on request. Commissioned by: CUMELA Nederland.


Employees by sector and size of company (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables regarding all employees on 31 December 2011, broken down by sector and size of company. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: ArboNed.


Childcare by quarter in the municipality of Amsterdam, 2012 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities by quarter, neighbourhood and type of childcare in the municipality of Amsterdam. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Amsterdam municipal authorities.


My company is a seasonal business. How should I submit my data?

frequently asked questions about Annual / Production statistics


Income of households in Haarlem, Beverwijk, Heemstede en Bloemendaal, 2009 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables regarding the income of households by district, neighbourhood and type of residence. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Housing cooperative Pre Wonen


School careers of Rotterdam 6-21-year-olds, 2007-2011 (extension of previous study) (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on education and personal characteristics of 6-21-year-olds in Rotterdam in 2007 and 2011. Extension of a study conducted in 2013. In addition to the custom-made tables, in...


Population and inhabited addresses in Rotterdam-Rijnmond police region (Dutch only)

COS Rotterdam has asked Statistics Netherlands to calculate the population and number of inhabited addresses in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond police region. The tables are available on request.


Is there an overview of the questions available?

frequently asked questions about Finance-of-Business


Mental health and labour force in 2001-2003 and 2007-2009 (averages).

Tables on mental health and labour force in 2001-2003 and 2007-2009 (averages). Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employement. Results are available on request.


Regional innovation in the Netherlands; Community Innovation Survey 2004 and 2006 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Centre for Policy Related Statistics has computed figures at a regional level of the innovative behaviour of companies. The results concern two...


Participation in energy schemes by topsector and business sector, 2014 (Dutch only)

Custom-made data tables regarding the participation of businesses in instruments aimed at the energy sector. The tables are available upon request. Commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency...


Vulnerability and capacity of the over-65s by municipality, 2008 (Dutch only)

Figures for each municipality on persons 65 years and older, according to a number of vulnerability and capacity indicators. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Verwey-Jonker Institute.


Participation in 'Top consortia for Knowledge and Innovation' (TKI) within the topsectors, 2013 (Dutch only)

Custom-made data tables regarding the participation of businesses in knowledge-initiatives outside of their own topsector. The tables are available upon request. Commissioned by the Ministry of...


How do I change my telephone number or email address?

Change telephone number or e-mail address?


Key figure estimates for electricity sector (Dutch only)

Customised tables with estimates of financial-economic indicators for the electricity sector and the costs of electricity consumption in the Dutch economy. Results are available on request....


Equal wages for equal jobs? Jobs and wages in the public and private sector, 2008  (Summary in English)

This paper describes jobs, wages and wage gaps in the public and private sector in the Netherlands in 2008. Additional tables are available on request. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs...
