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12334 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12334 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Girls whose mothers are educated in technology opt for technical subjects

Students in secondary education are more likely to opt for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects if their parents were also educated in science and technology.


Research on Supply-Use tables for the digital economy in the Netherlands

Report on experimental research on the compilation of Digital Supply and Use Tables (DSUT). Includes a description of the data sources and methodology, and provisional results for 2018.


Manufacturing output down by 3.5 percent in April

In April 2024, the calendar-adjusted output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.5 percent lower than it was in April 2023.


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6.


Asylum requests; by citizenship, from 1975

Historical data; first, subsequent asylum requests and Family members Citizenship


Area used to grow bulbs up by more than a fifth since 2013

In 2023, the area of agricultural land used for bulb cultivation increased by 21 percent to over 28 thousand hectares compared with 10 years previously.


Manufacturing output down by 6 percent in March

In March 2024, the calendar-adjusted output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 6.0 percent lower than it was in March 2023.


The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2022

The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2021 Summary presents an outline of the living situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, including those in the Caribbean Netherlands.


Less nitrogen and phosphate excretion from livestock manure

In 2021, the total amount of nitrogen excreted by Dutch livestock stood at 471 million kg.


Nearly 21 million air passengers in Q3 2023

In Q3 2023, the number of air passengers travelling through one of the five major airports of the Netherlands was almost 21 million; up by over 11 percent on Q3 2022.


Flash estimate of inflation: December

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that CPI-measured annual inflation stood at 9.6 percent in December 2022.


Manufacturing output prices down by almost 1 percent in March

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 0.9 percent lower in March relative to one year previously.


Businesses less positive about investment

Expectations among business owners in the manufacturing and business services sectors regarding investment were less positive in March 2024 than they were last year


Economic growth of 0.6 percent in Q4 2022

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q4 2022 gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.6 percent relative...


Persons with dispensed medicines; origin

Persons to whom medicines were dispensed by origin, medicine group, age, sex


Inflation rate 9.6 percent in December

The consumer price index (CPI) was 9.6 percent higher in December than in the same month last year.


Non-Financial Corporations Split Into Subsectors

This is the (English) final report of a study partially funded by Eurostat on improvements in the compilation of gross national income (GNI).


Distribution of well-being: society

The theme society comprises indicators on participation and trust, two fundaments of social cohesion. Trust is important for people individually, but also for social fabric as a whole. At the...


Life expectancy forecast for 65-year-olds: 20.89 years in 2029

According to current projections by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the life expectancy of 65-year-olds will stand at 20.89 years in 2029.


Manufacturing output prices down by almost 2 percent in February

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 1.8 percent lower in February relative to one year previously.


Manufacturing output down by over 2 percent in February

In February 2024, the calendar-adjusted output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.3 percent lower than it was in February 2023.


Agricultural income further up in 2023

In 2023, the Dutch agricultural sector generated 6.7 percent more income relative to the previous year. Animal output decreased slightly (-0.7 percent), while crop production saw a relatively sharp...


Fewer deaths in 2023

The mortality figure for 2023 was 169 thousand, representing a fall of around 750 compared to 2022.


Data ethics high on the agenda at CBS

On 6 March 2024, the fourth IBDS Café was held at Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


73 inhabitants drowned in 2022

In 2022, altogether 73 inhabitants of the Netherlands died due to drowning in open water or in and around the house. This is 7 fewer people than in the previous year.
