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9394 results for statistical research
9394 results for statistical research

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February's inflation rate the same as in January

According to the consumer price index (CPI), the inflation rate in the Netherlands was 0.6 percent in February. In January consumer prices were also 0.6 percent up from one year previously.


Inflation rate marginally up

According to the consumer price index (CPI), Dutch inflation over November was 0.7 percent. In the two preceding months, consumer prices were 0.6 percent up from one year previously. Petrol prices...


Consumer price index (CPI) all households, 2000=100

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2000=100)


Dutch manufacturers remain optimistic

The confidence among Dutch manufacturers fell slightly, but the mood remains optimistic. Statistics Netherlands reported today that optimism has prevailed among Dutch manufacturers since October 2014.


Incoming tourism contributed 16.4 percent to Bonaire's economy in 2012

Incoming tourism accounted for a direct contribution to Bonaire’s gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately 16.4 percent in 2012.


consumer spending marginally up, consumer confidence hardly changes

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, household spending on goods and services was 0.6 percent  up in November 2014 from November 2013. For the second month in a row...


De Monitor Brede Welvaart

Het cijfer over de economische groei zegt niet alles over hoe we er voor staan in Nederland. Daarom heeft het CBS op verzoek van de Tweede Kamer de Monitor Brede Welvaart ontwikkeld. CBS-onderzoeker...


Number of social security recipients continues to grow

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the number of social security recipients rose by 13 thousand to 426 thousand in the first quarter of 2014. Despite indications that the economy is picking...


Inflation unchanged at 1.1 percent in August

Consumer price index, consumer prices were on average 1.1 percent higher in August 2004 than in August 2003. This is the same rate as in July. Cheaper potatoes, vegetables and petrol curbed inflation...


Further increase hours worked in temp jobs

Adjusted for seasonal variation, the total amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 0.8 percent in the second quarter of 2014 relative to the preceding quarter.


Asylum requests; citizenship, sex and age 2007 - 2016

Total asylum requests and first asylum requests citizenship, sex and age


Bankruptcies; monthly figures by legal form and region, Jan.1993-April 2014

Pronounced bankruptcies of natural persons, enterprises and one-man businesses, divided by region.


Caribbean Netherlands; consumer price index (CPI) 2010=100, 2010-2017

Consumer price index, Quarter-on-Quarter change, Year-on-year change Spending category per Caribbean island


Substantial job increase in first quarter 2006

In the first quarter of 2006 there were 35 thousand more jobs than in the last quarter of 2005.


The Dutch economy 2012

The publication The Dutch economy 2012 is released today. The publication provides comprehensive and detailed information on the structure of the Dutch economy and economic developments in 2012. The...


Growing business confidence

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, business confidence, the indicator reflecting the mood in the Dutch private sector was higher than in the third quarter.


Improvement in healthy lifestyle stagnating

The lifestyle of the Dutch population hardly improved in terms of health last year. They did not make much progress with trying to smoke less, drink less, eat less and exercise more. The positive...


Dutch house prices also up in June

Prices of owner-occupied houses, excluding new constructions, were on average 2.2 percent higher in June 2014 than in June 2013. This was the third month in a row with increasing year-on-year prices.


Dutch inflation rate down in December

According to the latest consumer price index the Dutch inflation rate reached 1.7 percent in December 2003. This is the lowest level since 1998. In November the inflation rate was 2.0 percent. The...


Lowest population growth since 1984

The Dutch population numbered 16.3 million people on 1 January 2004, bringing population growth in 2003 to 62 thousand. This is the lowest rate of population growth in twenty years. The decrease in...


household spending marginally up, consumer confidence remains stable

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, household spending on goods and services was 0.2 percent  up in October 2014 from October 2013. Prior to this modest increase,...
