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9394 results for statistical research

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Consumers more positive

The mood among Dutch consumers has improved in August compared to July. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator rose by 2 points to + 6 and is back at the June level.


Consumers much more positive

The mood among Dutch consumers has improved substantially in June compared to May. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator rose by 4 points to + 6. This is the highest...


Consumer spending up

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.5 percent up in April 2015 from the same month last year.


most substantial increase consumer spending in four years

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.8 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. This was the most substantial...


Inflation drops to 1.1 percent in February

Inflation in the Netherlands fell to 1.1 percent in February. This is 0.2 of a percent point down on January. In that month consumer prices were 1.3 percent higher than twelve months previously.


Dutch consumers more apprehensive about the economic situation

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated marginally in September. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator fell by 1 point to -7. In the past two months,...


Higher turnover manufacturing industry in June

In June 2004 turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 13 percent up on June 2003. The increase in sales was mainly caused by two extra working days and higher selling prices.


Record number of bankruptcies

In 2003 close to 8,750 bankruptcies were pronounced. This is the highest number of bankruptcies ever recorded. The previous record of 1982 was 100 less.


Production manufacturing industry slightly higher

In the period September – October 2004 the production of Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.3 percent up on the period July – August. After a few dips production seems to recover. Turnover was 2...


Inflation rate considerably down

Dutch inflation was 2.1 percent in May 2012, i.e. 0.3 percentage points down from April. The decrease is mainly due to petrol price developments.


Domestic consumption 0.1 percent down

According to Statistics Netherlands, Dutch households spent 0.1 percent less on goods and services in April 2014 than in April 2013. Just as in the preceding three months of 2014, households used far...


Consumer confidence continues to fall

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated further in February. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the consumer confidence indicator fell by 5 points to - 1. For the first time in almost a...


Dutch house prices up for more than six months

Prices of own homes, excluding new constructions, were on average 2.2 percent higher in October 2014 than in October 2013. The price increase in October was marginally higher than in September.


exports grow, though less rapidly than in the preceding months

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of exports of goods was 1.1 percent up in March 2015 from twelve months previously.


Larger stocks in manufacturing industry

Manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 6.0 percent up in July 2014 from July 2013. Stocks in manufacturing industry have been larger than twelve months previously for four months in a row...


Inflation rate down

Dutch inflation stood at 2.4 percent in December, i.e. 0.2 percentage points down on November. This is mainly due to changes in petrol prices and phone rates.


Dutch inflation rate down

The Dutch inflation rate was 2.6 percent in April versus 2.9 percent in March. The price of petrol in particular had a downward effect on inflation. Food prices also had a downward effect.


Dutch inflation rate remains stable

Dutch inflation was 2.3 percent in August, just as in July. Motor fuel prices had an upward effect on inflation, but prices of clothing, for example, had a downward effect. On balance, inflation...


Inflation rate in March 1.0 percent

In March 2006, the Dutch inflation rate was 1.0 percent. This is 0.1 percent point lower than in February. Then consumer prices were 1.1 percent higher than the year before.


Robust growth exports in September

According to Statistics Netherlands, the volume of exports of goods was 6.2 percent up in September 2014 from September 2013. In the preceding month, exports grew by more than 1 percent. Higher...


Inflation a fraction lower

Dutch inflation was 2.4 percent in April 2012, i.e. of a 0.1 percentage point down on March. The marginal decrease is due mainly to changes in food and tobacco prices.
